Assassins: 5

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Akumi also always wears bandages around her neck for some reason (a little hint about her past)

"Tsuna! There's a new job for you!" Akumi called, her feet propped up on the coffee table where the laptop resided. Tsuna, who was making lunch, popped his head into the living room. "Who from?" he asked. Akumi squinted her crimson eyes in a ridiculous way. "The Cavallone family? They want you to capture a freelance hitman that has been killing people for fun. Dang, that guy needs another hobby, like yoga or something," she muttered. Tsuna plopped down next to her on the couch. "Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I saw the Cavallone boss with my brother the other day."

Akumi shrugged. "At least he's close. I accepted a job that took place in Australia. I didn't even stay for two days," she replied. Tsuna ignored her comment and continued reading the job request. "The pay is pretty good. I think we should accept this job," he said. Akumi raised her eyebrows. "We?" she asked.

Tsuna nodded and looked at her. "Yes, we. Since we live together, might as well do a job together!" he chirped. Akumi sweatdropped. "You've got some weird logic, Tsuna. You just want me to go so I can get out of the house more, don't you?" she muttered.

Tsuna only smiled innocently.


"Ugh, I could be watching anime right now," Akumi groaned as she squatted at the edge of the roof. "Don't be like that! You've got to pay your own bills too!" Tsuna chided. Akumi stuck out her tongue.

Tsuna looked at their target, who was now walking out of the grocery store, through binoculars. The duo had been waiting for him to come out for about an hour or so. "He's heading towards the apartment by the drug store," Tsuna noted. Akumi got up. "Roger that," she replied and took off. Tsuna scouted around the target's living space to see if any innocent civilians were nearby. Luckily, there were none. "Area is clear," Tsuna said over the phone. "Good, our target is also alone," Akumi replied. Tsuna grinned. "Then let's get to work."


Tsuna dropped the bag in front of the young Cavallone boss. "Don't worry, we didn't kill him. He's just... taking a nap," he said. Dino looked closely as his men opened the bag for him to examine. "Mm, thank you..." he said. Tsuna smiled. "27 and Sleepwalker," he replied.

(27= Tsuna; Sleepwalker= Akumi)

Dino smiled a little at the peculiar names. "Ah, yes," the blonde man said. In a way, Dino seemed a little wary, but it was obvious why, since Tsuna and Akumi had masks on.

"Oi, 27! We gotta get going!" Akumi called. Tsuna sighed then looked at Dino and bowed politely. "If you have another job for us, feel free to request. Have a good evening, Dino," he said and walked after Akumi.

Dino frowned. There was something odd about the duo.


Tsuna set the plate in front of Hibari and Fran. The skylark had come by and, by Tsuna's request, stayed for dinner. Akumi sat across from Fran and was glaring at Hibari warily. Upon their first meeting, the skylark had challenged her to a fight and practically threw his tonfas at her head.

After they ate, Hibari left. Akumi was teaching Fran how to control his flame better. "Breathe in and out slowly. Close your eyes and focus solely on your flame," she instructed. Fran did as she said. A flame lit from Fran's mist ring, moving ever so calmly, its size astonishingly big. Akumi grinned. "That's good! You're starting to get it!" she remarked. Fran didn't break his concentration. Tsuna watched proudly.

"Kufufufu~ is that all you've achieved? We have quite a long way then," a voice said. They all turned around to see Mukuro and a girl with an eyepatch. "Mukuro!" Tsuna exclaimed. Mukuro smirked. "Kufufu~ It seems you have let me off from quite a few years of imprisonment. Although, I am quite displeased that I will have to work for the mafia."

Tsuna smiled. "It's better than being kept in a prison for life," he replied. Mukuro chuckled. "Is that so? We'll see then..."

Akumi examined him. "Eh, so this is the guy that helped break you out of the experiment site," she mused. Mukuro looked at her. "Mm? And who might you be?" he asked. Akumi's eyebrows raised. "Me? Nobody. Nobody at all. At least," she replied wickedly, "that's what you should wish for."

Mukuro stared at her, having a rare moment of confusion. Now he was truly curious. Who was she?


Ieyasu sat down on his bed, phone in hand. "Ugh, I hate school. Now with training on top of that... Life is hell," he muttered. Reborn, who strode in quietly, flicked Ieyasu's forehead. "Get used to it dame-Ie. Now that I think about it, you should run 20 laps... around the entire city," he ordered. Ieyasu groaned loudly but ran out when Reborn turned Leon into a mallet.

Reborn chuckled sadistically. He loved torturing his student. Finally deciding to check for any messages from Vongola 9th, he looked at his phone. "Nothing? How strange. Nono usually asks for a weekly report about his grandson," Reborn muttered. He frowned and wondered what Iemitsu and Nono were doing.


Tsuna shook Fran slightly. "Fran. Get up. Remember that you have training with Mukuro this morning," he said. The mint green haired boy groaned a 'five more minutes'. Tsuna giggled. "Come on Fran, Mukuro and Chrome are waiting for you," he reminded. Slowly, Fran dragged himself to the bathroom. Tsuna went to Akumi's door. "Akumi, get up. It isn't good to stay up late then oversleep," he called. There was cursing on the other side. Tsuna laughed softly. Akumi was up.

"You don't have to wake us up and cook, Tsuna. You're going to school too after all," Akumi said as Tsuna put a plate of food in front of her. Tsuna shook his head. "It's all right. I need to help around the house since I am just a freeloader."

"Kufufufu~ thank you for the meal, Tsunayoshi," Mukuro said. Chrome also nodded her head as if to say the same thing. Tsuna smiled. "Anytime."


"Omnivore," Hibari said. Tsuna smiled like an angel. "Good morning, Kyoya. I see your wounds are healing well," the brunette replied. "Hn."

Tsuna handed him a purple bento. "Here, I hope you like it," he said and went off to class.

"Tsuna!" Kyoko called. The said boy greeted her back as well as Hana. "Did you finish your homework?" Kyoko asked. Tsuna nodded. "Yes it was quite easy."
"Eh? But it was super hard for me. You must be really smart, Tsuna," the auburn haired girl exclaimed. Hana grinned. "You should be in the advanced classes, Cielo," she remarked. Tsuna shrugged. "It's not that I'm smart, but I just understand really easily," he replied. The bell rang and the students sat. For some reason, Ieyasu came in panting and sweating.

"Hahaha, you've gotten quite the workout, Ie," Yamamoto laughed in a goodnatured way. Ieyasu sweat dropped. Tsuna giggled quietly. However, his smile quickly faded. Would he ever be able to sit beside Ieyasu? To laugh and talk with him as family?

Meanwhile, Reborn sat in a tree close by to the classroom. He lowered his fedora.

"To look at my idiot student with such sad eyes. You must've had quite the past, Cielo."

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