Chapter 15

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"Peel the potatoes" my father instructed me, pointing at the potatoes.

"Yes, sir" I said as I took the potato peeler and started peeling.

"Appa?" I called him.

"Yeah?" he responded while cutting some vegetables.

"Can I go out with a friend on Friday?" I bit my lower lip.

"A friend?" he stopped cutting and directed his gaze to my direction.

"Yeah, a friend" I continued doing my work, avoiding my father's look.

"Is this friend a boy or a girl?"

"Is that important?" I replied to his question with another question.

"Seung Mirae," my father called me with a stern voice, "you're too young to go out with boys."

"First of all, I'm not. I'm old enough. You're overreacting" I put the potato peeler aside and crossed my arms, looking at my father, "It's not even how you think it is. We're just friends."

"Friends or not, I don't want you to go out with boys."

"Why are you being like that, Appa? I really can't understand you. I thought you trust me."

"Mirae, I trust nobody more than you, but do you think my concerns are reasonless?" he furrowed.

"Then tell me your reasons, so I can understand you."

"There are-" he suddenly stopped, gasping for air. Father hold on to the kitchen counter.

"Appa!" I shouted as I hurried to his side to sustain him.

"Appa?" I waited for a response. Vainly. He already lost consciousness.

I managed to drag him to the sofa in the living room. Afterwards I took out my cellphone and called an ambulance.

After that I called Ahjusshi.

"Yeah, Mirae?" he answered the call.

"Ah- Ahjusshi" I tried to form sentences in between my sobs, "Hurry. Please hurry and come."

"Mirae? What's going on?"

"Appa- He collapsed."

"He- what?" Ahjusshi gasped, "I'm on my way" he ended the call.

About ten minutes later, the ambulance finally arrived. While the paramedics were transporting father to the vehicle, Ahjusshi arrived and tried to calm me down.

~~In the hospital~~

The doctor told me not to worry too much since it was 'just' a blackout. However, father got his own room and was put up an infusion. He woke up a few times and fell asleep again.

Ahjusshi fell asleep on a chair in father's room. I was sitting next to father's bed, holding his hand. I wanted to be beside him in case he might wake up once again.

I got waken by a voice. I opened my eyes and straightened myself as I heard father muttering in his sleep.

"Nayoung" he said softly.

Nayoung? Mother? Is he dreaming about her?

"I'm sorry" he whispered, "I couldn't protect you."

Protect her from what? Father doesn't speak a lot about mom, but as far as I know, she died from a massive heart attack.

I left father's room and took a deep breath outside. Although I didn't know why, my heart began aching.

Curiosity took over me and I decided to go to the information desk, where two nurses were sitting.

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