Part 6

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Part 6

“Careful there,” he put a steadying hand around her waist, stopping her from doing a face-plant.

“I-it’s you!” Bibi was having trouble enunciating so she decided to just convey her feelings in actions. She threw her arms around her date, who recuperated so exuberantly Bibi’s feet left the ground.

“I missed you so much, sugarplum.” Bernard whispered in her ear.

“I missed you too!” Bibi’s voice was muffled in his jacket, which smelled uniquely of him. She breathed in deeply, savoring the moment.

Finally the siblings broke away, both wearing twin grins.

“How’d you get here?” Bibi asked him, still thinking of how it was too good to be true.

Bernard grinned conspiratorially. “Secret.” He winked.

Bibi shook her head, so happy to be standing beside her older brother, who she hadn’t seen in months.

“C’mon, let’s go greet Ailia.” Bernard slipped a hand around Bibi’s waist and led her to her friend and Prince Charming.

“You really do look beautiful,” Bernard told her as they walked.

Bibi’s cheeks hurt from smiling so big. She fingered one of his lapels. “Didn’t you wear this tuxedo for Aunt Hilda’s funeral?”

Bernard grinned at her. “Don’t remind me.”

Bibi laughed, sounding like a mix between and donkey and a pig; Bernard laughed as well, although (thankfully) he never inherited the distinctive family laugh.

“Hello, Ailia,” Bernard addressed Ailia when he and Bibi had made their way over to them.

Bibi always thought that Ailia nurtured a slight crush on Bernard, who the ladies did say was good-looking. Now, however, that crush seemed the last thing on her mind when her fingers were intertwined with Prince Charming’s and her eyes shown of love.

“Hey, Berny,” She greeted good-naturedly.

Bibi eyed Ailia’s Prince. Since they were closer, it was easier to tell of his identity.

“So who’s your prince?” Bernard asked, turning to Ailia’s date.

Ailia opened her mouth, about to respond, when Bibi snapped her fingers happily. “Zaiden!”

Ailia pretended to pout but couldn’t do it for long when her heart was this full. “Isn’t he the sweetest?” She wrapped her other arm around Zaiden’s. Zaiden smiled down at his lovely date.

“Zaiden, huh?” Bernard untangled himself from Bibi and took a step closer to Zaiden. Although they were the same height, Bernard was broad-shouldered and made of muscle, while Zaiden was wiry. They locked eyes. “You take care of her.” He jerked his thumb in Ailia’s direction. “Or else you deal with me.”

“And me,” piped up Bibi. She tried to appear threatening but with the dress and heels she didn’t think she succeeded.

Zaiden looked genuinely frightened when Bernard was warning him but, when Bibi tagged her own admonition into it, he couldn’t help but grin. “Yes, ma’am.” He bobbed his head in her direction. Then, more seriously, he said to Bernard, “I will.” He put his arm around Ailia’s shoulders.

Bernard watched him through narrow slits and mumbled, “Just keep your hands where I can see them.”

Bibi snorted and tugged on his sleeve, bringing him back to her side. “Let’s dance.” She said. And so they did. The two couples danced for hours and hours, stopping only to help themselves to the juice bar every so often. Bibi was thrilled to her toes at having so much undivided time with Bernard and the two quickly caught up. Zaiden and Ailia stuck to each other’s sides, dancing to almost every song.

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