Part 7

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Part 7

Bibi drove like a maniac to Xzavier’s house. He lived in a quiet neighborhood on the north side of town and she tore through the streets like the she had just robbed a bank. She parked horribly (the front wheels on the curb and the back wheels two feet away from it) and slammed the car door harder than necessary in her haste.

She had long ago taken off her shoes to drive and had shimmied out of her tights at a red light when they became too bothersome. So she made her way, barefoot, into the side yard. She gathered some small pebbles and, heart pounding, threw one at what she knew to be Xzavier’s second-story bedroom window. The light was on in his room but she couldn’t tell if he was in it or not. She threw another pebble, slightly harder this time.

A boy’s curly head popped out of the open window.

“Let down your hair!” Bibi called. Her palms were slick with sweat.

“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!” Xzavier shouted back. Then his head disappeared.

Bibi stared at his bedroom window as the light went out. The rest of the house was dark and silent. She looked down at her slightly grubby bare feet and wondered if this was Xzavier’s way of refusing her.

“Sorry,” Xzavier stepped out the back door and joined Bibi on the lawn. He was wearing blue pajama bottoms and a worn t-shirt, sneakers shoved on his feet. She suddenly felt extremely over-dressed.

“It’s okay.” With every fiber of her being Bibi wished she had a piece of gum to calm her nerves. She hadn’t had one all night and it was now catching up to her. She was such an addict.

“So, you found out, huh?” Half of Xzavier’s face was in shadow, making his short, curly hair seem darker. Bibi felt like they were having an illegal meeting.

“Yes.” She met his eyes defiantly. “That was a very sweet thing you did.”

Xzavier held her gaze and took another step closer. He gently put a hand on her cheek, half-cupping her face. “Anything.” His voice cracked and a light blush stained his cheeks but he stood his ground. He cleared his throat. “Anything for you.”

Bibi had never seen Xzavier so vulnerable; it just made him all the more appealing. And then she suddenly realized it had been Xzavier all along. Xzavier was the one who teased her, who made her laugh, who was there for her when she was feeling down.

The words tumbled from Bibi’s mouth, sweet as honey. “You’re my Prince Charming.” And then she kissed him.


Bibi and Xzavier were sitting together on the couch, watching a movie, when they heard the loud slam of a car door. Raised voices, clearly heard through the thin living room walls, followed.

“I just don’t understand how it got so out of hand!” Ailia said, plainly distressed and slightly annoyed.

“Just help him out of the car.” Zaiden ordered.

There was the noise of someone opening a car door, followed by pitiful groaning.

“He’s so heavy!” Ailia sounded as if she was being crushed.

“Give him here.” Zaiden said.

More groaning, followed by an oomph!

“You dropped him.” Ailia pointed out.

“I’m aware of that.” Zaiden said bluntly.

There was some huffing and puffing as well as some muttered words about diets and common sense and then the front door flew open. Zaiden came in first, followed by Bernard –head lolling and barely conscious –whose arms were around both Zaiden and Ailia’s shoulders. Ailia, panting, brought up the rear.

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