Bad boy

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3rd person pov

Zayn Malik walked into his last class of the day, Mr.Paynes' class...and he was late. As usual. For some reason he really loved pissing this teacher off the most. Something about the way Mr. Payne would look at him when he did something wrong made Zayn tingle.

"Mr. Malik. Late again I see. Detention. After school with me." Mr. Payne spoke to Zayn strictly with a glare plastered on his face, Zayn smirked knowing how easy it was for him to piss off his physics teacher and walked to his seat in the back laying his head down on the desk not listening to a word the older man was saying, it's not like he'll actually need physics in real life anyway, right? So might as well sleep.


Zayn woke up to the bell blaring through the school, informing the kids it was time to go home.

Zayn looked up noticing all the kids already left, he slowly stood up grabbing his bag walking to the door, but stopped when he heard a voice behind him. "Where do you think you're going Mr. Malik?" The commanding voice of Mr. Payne echoed through the medium sized empty classroom.

Zayn turned around at the sound of the deep voice that he secretly loved. Of course he'd never admit this to anyone, so he put his signature scowl on his face and turned towards the larger man behind him.

"I think I'm going home." Zayn stated cheekily. Liam gave Zayn a scowl before replying. "Take a seat Zayn, you have detention remember?" Zayn sighed he knew he could get suspended if he ditched yet another detention, so he "maned" up and took a seat, but that didn't mean he had to be happy about it.

Liam smiled at Zayn complying, and got up to shut the door he didn't bother locking it as everyone in the school was gone, and there was no one to walk in on them, Liam walked over to his desk and stood in front of it.

Zayn almost gulped at the large dominating man in front of him, but kept up his bad boy facade and pretended to be unintimidated.

Liam walked forward standing directly in front of the small boy. "So Mr. Malik tell me. Why were you late?" Zayn stared up at the intimidating beautiful brown eyes of Liam Payne and almost getting lost, but shook his head softly clearing his throat.

"Uh because I don't care?" Zayn all but squeaked out, but it sounded more like a question.

Liam smirked knowing exactly what he was doing. "Is that so? Mr. Bad boy?" Zayn nodded his head unable to speak.

What was happening to him? He couldn't think straight, what was Mr. Payne doing to him?

"Really? Because I don't think so, I think you do care, you just act like you don't. You put up this bad boy persona to keep people away, so their scared of you instead of the other way around, am I right?"

By this point Liam had stood Zayn up and lead him to his desk, sitting down on his large spinning chair pulling Zayn down onto his lap. Zayn didn't even notice he was on the large intimidating mans lap, only focused on the mans words and dark eyes staring into his own. He was entranced.

Zayn couldn't speak he didn't know what to say, how could this man see right through him? How could this man figure him out, without even actually having a conversation with him before this?

"Answer me, when I talk to you babygirl." Zayn squeaked and blushed at the nickname, babygirl? He wasn't a baby or a girl! He was a bad boy, he was tough! He didn't take shit from anyone!

Zayn suddenly became aware of his position on Liam's lap and how close he was to him, he immediately stood up and backed away from Mr. Payne his head spinning. Liam stood up too walking up to Zayn.

"What's wrong babygirl?" Liam asked concern in his eyes, Zayn snapped his eyes up to look at Liam's. "This is wrong! You''re my teacher. Thats wrong and...and illegal! Plus I'm not a baby or a girl!" Zayn stated with a little pout, yes he knew it wasn't manly but at the moment he didn't care.

Liam made him feel different he made him feel weak and small, like he needed protection and he didn't know how he felt about that, all he knew was Liam gave him a warm feeling in his chest that he couldn't explain.

Liam looked at Zayn amused. "Aw is the bad boy pouting?" Liam asked a smirk on his face.

"No!" Zayn exclaimed quickly trying to regain his bad boy persona, but Liam wasn't having it.

Liam continued."I'm just teasing, and so what if it's illegal? No one has to know, and you're MY babygirl." Liam stated getting closer to Zayn and putting his hands on the small boys thin waist.

"Plus I know you like it, do you like when I call you babygirl? Huh? Answer me." Liam commanded.

"Yes." Zayn stated quietly, heart punding hard against his chest eyes squeezed shut.

Liam started kissing Zayns neck, leaving a hickey to show him who he belongs to. Zayn almost moaned at the interaction but kept it in, Liam moved up kissing Zayn's cheek leaning in to kiss his soft sweet lips, but before he could Zayn turned his head.

Liam almost growled. He's been waiting so long to kiss Zayn. "Why did you turn you're head?" Liam stated as calmly as he could.

"This is wrong." Was all Zayn managed to squeak out before he ran out of the room and out of the school, leaving Liam stunned and pissed off.


Woah how was that? I felt it went pretty good! But how did all you guys like that?!?! I hope you all enjoyed! that's all  stay tuned for next chapter!


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