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3rd person pov

Zayn was nervous, it was late he had snuck out of the house, and if Liam caught him he was dead. But for some reason, at the moment he didn't care he just wanted to have a good time with his friends, he finally made it to the address Harry had sent him earlier.

It was a fairly large house, not as big as Liam's but still nice. When he reached the door, he felt intimidated almost about ready to turn around and go back to Liam's, but before he knew it he was knocking on the door and footsteps were headed his way, sucking in a breathe Zayn decided it was to late to run.

"Zayn! You made it!!" A bubbly Louis opened the door, a giant smile on his face and oddly a pair of footie pajamas covered his body.

"Of course I did! I wouldn't miss my first sleepover." Zayn giggled out, at his words though Louis gasped and pulled him inside.

"You've never been to a sleepover before?" Louis whispered, eyes bugged out like he couldn't possibly be hearing this right. Zayn nodded his head in confirmation.

"Well then we are doing all the traditional sleepover things! Truth or dare! Pillow fight! Movies! Hair dy-" Louis was cut off by Harry.

"Baby don't scare the poor boy." He chuckled out rapping his hands around Louis waste, making him blush. "Sorry daddy just got excited."

"Alright! Everyone lets have a fucking sleepover!" Niall came running in, a bowl of popcorn in his hand and goofy grin on his face, making everyone laugh.


It was late into the night, Louis and Zayn had a pillow fight they had already watched the designated sleepover movies, baked cupcakes and somehow Louis convinced Zayn to let him bleach a streak of blond into his quiff. Zayn figured why not? Liam would be pissed off anyway so what was the harm?

By now, all four boys were huddled in a circle in the middle of a heated and let's not forget drunk truth or dare game, Niall already drank a whole bottle of ketchup and Harry was only in his boxer briefs and nothing else.

It was now Harry's turn to dare someone. "Alright Zayn, truth or dare?" A mischievous glint shined in the dominant lads blood shot eyes, non nonetheless Zayn being drunk for the first time slurred out the words he'd probably regret. "Dare."

"I dare you to kiss Louis." Zayns eyes widened, and a blush rose to both submissive lads cheeks.

"But I-" Zayn was cut off by Louis lips on his, Zayn was so drunk he didn't know what to do so without knowing he fell into the kiss. Louis lips were soft and warm, while Liam's were rough.

All kinds of feelings were running through Zayn at the moment. Lust, guilt, regret, pleasure.

But before he could stop the kiss, someone else did.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"



I fucking love doing this to you guys heheh, I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! And stay tuned to find out what happens next?!!! 😊😊❤️
P.s edited


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