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3rd person pov

Taking a deep breath, Zayn walked into Liam's classroom all the confidence he had immediately leaving his body, as soon as he saw the look on Liam's face.

It was cold, Zayn was already late to class while Liam stood in front of the kids, speaking in a sharp tone.

The kids were used to Mr. Payne being a hard ass, but today seemed like if you said one wrong thing he'd cut your tongue.

Zayn stood frozen in front of the classroom door, lip trembling.

"Mr. Malik, would you like to explain why your late to my class?" Zayn couldn't look Liam in the eye, while he attempted to stutter out an answer.

Smirking to himself, Liam continued to talk. "Cat got your tongue Malik? That's fine. Detention, after school with me. Now sit down." Eyes bugging out at the mention of detention with Liam himself, Zayn scurried to his seat a blush coating his face as he dreaded the hours to come.


An hour, the class lasted an hour. The whole time Liam didn't look at him, or even acknowledge him simply had a sly little smirk on his face. This brought worry to Zayn, he knew he was in for it.

That's why as soon as the bell rang, Zayn quickly tried to pack up his things and leave with everyone else, hoping not to be noticed but it seemed Liam had other plans.

"Trying to avoid detention Mr. Malik? I wouldn't think that's very wise of you, I mean your already in enough trouble seeing as you were just in detention last week."

Zayn stood frozen in his tracks, as other kids quickly made their way outside. Not daring to turn around, Zayn squeezed out an answer.

"No si..r." Liam hummed in response to that. "Are you lying to me?" Zayn breathed out a sigh, slowly nodding his head.

"Shut, and lock the door please." Liam spoke commandingly, obeying Zayn did as asked, not wanting to get into even more trouble.

"Now have a seat." It wasn't an invitation, it was an order and Zayn knew that, scurrying to his seat quietly, head hung low.

"I'm going to ask you a question, and your gonna answer me honestly. Yes sir?"

"Yes sir."

"Why did you avoid me this weekend? Do you know how worried I was about you? I thought something happened to you, then you walk into my classroom perfectly fine."

At Liam's words tears sprang from Zayns eyes, and he completely collapsed he knew he had to tell Liam how he felt.

"I-I was avoiding you because..because I was worried, you didn't really like me..that you only wanted me as a play thing." Zayn now began to sob, throwing his head in his hands.

At this Liam began shushing him. "Shh no BabyGirl come here, come sit on my lap." Zayn silently got up and cautiously sat on Liam's lap, trying to wipe his tears away.

"BabyGirl, I'm not like that Hun. Yes I'd love to fuck you, but your not just a toy to me. You don't know how much I want to just whisk you away to my house, have you move in with me and take care of you. BabyGirl, your not just a toy to daddy, yes sir?"

Zayn looked into Liam's eyes, his own glossy making them look even prettier. Sniffling Zayn began to nod his head. "Yes Daddy." Liam smiled.

"Good girl, now stand up." Confused Zayn stood up obediently. "Now skirt up." Zayns eyes widened. "Daddy I-" "Now baby." Zayn lifted up his skirt showing of his pretty peach lace panties. Trying to contain his pleased groan, Liam cleared his throat.

"Now over the desk." Zayn leaned over the desk, ass sticking up in the air clad in his panties on full show for Liam.

Opening one of his drawers, Liam pulled out a ruler. Grabbing ahold of one of Zayns hips, and running circles over his bum. "Now BabyGirl, I want you to count for me. Can you count for daddy?" Blood was rushing through Zayn like a train, his mind was fuzzy and all he could manage to do was nod, but Liam accepted it.

Without warning the ruler came down on Zayns bum, making him jerk forward and give out a squeak of surprise.

"One.."  Liam stopped for a second rubbed Zayns light red ass praised him, then continued. "Two.." Zayn squealed out, tears again forming in his eyes.

By the twentieth smack Zayn was sobbing, his ass was bright red and all he wanted was for this to be over.

"Shh BabyGirl, it's over now. It's done, took your punishment so well, did so well for daddy baby." Liam coaxed Zayn with praise, picking him up rubbing soothing circles into his stinging bum. Immediately calming Zayn down.

"Did good for daddy?" Zayn sniffled, nose a little runny and tear stains down his cheeks. Liam hummed in agreement. "Yes baby so so well." Zayn smiled, blush prominent on his cheeks.

"Now, let's go home."


Well..um *clears throat awkwardly* I hope uh you all enjoyed that *blushes* *giggles* that's all for now please stay tuned for the next chapter!! Ooh and finally little Zayn got punished!! ☺️✌🏻️😉

P.s edited!


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