New friends

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3rd person pov

And so it begun, Zayn started dressing like himself and Liam loved it, and surprisingly no one came up and tried to beat him up, actually more people were talking to him since forever.

He had made friends with, "the punks" which was just a stereotype, their outward appearances did not at all justify how sweet they actually were.

Zayn's sad to say, he didn't know why he didn't try and make friends with them before. Considering he dressed exactly the same way, he just never bothered, to afraid of social shaming and stuck up kids making fun of him.

There was Harry Styles, Who was dating Niall Horan, and there was Louis Tomlinson their submissive, you see all three boys were into bdsm, and it all kind of worked out. Louis was a natural submissive and all three boys loved each other.

It's quite funny actually all three boys had taken Zayn under their wing and look out for him, he appreciates it, not used to friends though he's still a bit awkward with how to act around them.

Ever since Zayn's been going to this high-school, he didn't care what other people thought of him, he had friends a boy- oh wait Liam wasn't technically his boyfriend, well neither of them had asked the other.

And there was no way in hell Zayn would be the one to do the asking.

So as Zayn was happy with his new friends, his little bubble was burst at the worry of what Liam and him were.

Was Liam just using Zayn? Did Liam just want a new little boy toy?

Zayn decided to shake of his thoughts, and for the rest of the day, Zayn avoided Liam and decided to hang out with his new found friends, deciding to have fun for once instead of worrying.


P.s edited


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