Chapter 5- Trying

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-Max's Pov-

I felt sparks the moment we connected. The moment I saw her that day, when I was meeting her uncle, I instantly knew what I was living for.

I couldn't believe that my mate was a beautiful, feisty, fun, outgoing, kind-hearted, young teenager. I could go on and on about her.

I always thought that I would get a person the same age as me, cold, demanding woman. Just like me. But no. I get even better.

I also couldn't believe that she hugged me! After telling her all of that! Wow... maybe that advice that Willa gave me was actually good advice...

Yes. Me, the demanding, rough and tough, scary beast of an alpha, took advice from his little sister about girls. I wanted to be the demanding self I am, and just take her to my territory. But then I thought of, knowing her being feisty, she wouldn't do what I say then... she I asked my little sister Willa. She told me to just take it slow, no matter how hard it is to control myself sometimes, and just show her that I can be nice, and try to stand next to her, take it the human way of it. So I'm trying. And so it's hard, but I guess it's working...

The second she hugged me, I was shocked but I instantly hugged her back. I don't know what she's thinking but I'm going to try to make her as happy as possible.

-CJ's Pov-

I felt sparks. I felt happy. I felt comfortable. I felt safe.

I don't know how to describe it but throughout my life, I've always felt like something was missing. I just always kept everything bulit up inside me, all my secrets, all my feelings, all my words. I never let anything out, untill everything came crashing down.

I now feel complete for some reason. But I still have many questions.

"Don't ask any questions yet, I'll explain everything. Any questions you have, I'll answer. But right now I just want to get you out of this meeting room. Let's go to your room." He whispered in my ear, still hugging me back.

I smiled and said ok. We left the meeting room and I dragged him up to my room.

I opened my bedroom door and closed it behind him. All the while, still holding his hand.

For some reason I felt like my life was on track now. Like something was going to happen, where my life will finally be right again. Like nothing will go wrong anymore. Like Max was there, and he's going to make everything okay.

"So first. I want to say that I'm so happy that you didn't freak out or anything. All I wanted was for you to except me and this life." He said holding my hand on top of his.

I smiled. "I don't know what it was but I just couldn't be any more happier." I said.

"Good. Me too. Now. Any questions?" He asked, lying down on my bed with his hands underneath his head.

"Plenty. First.. Who are you exactly?" I asked.

He thought for a minute and then said "I'm Alpha of the Black Moon Pack."

"No, I mean like... who are you to me? Ehy am I so important to you?" I asked.

He tensed for a split second but then looked around thinking.

"Um...this might seem weird... but.. I'm your mate. Your my mate."

"What's a mate?" I asked confused.

"Um.. do you believe in soulmates?....let me put it this way. Werewolves have mates. Like...we have a Moongoddes that sets us with our perfect match. So once we find them, then we can't live without eachother. Unless you reject your mate, but thats very rare, and also very hard to do because you will end up dying without eachother. Theres just no possible way to live without them."

I did not like that one bit. I don't want to be tied down to one persom like that. No. I don't want to be told who I'm supposed to be with. Thats pathetic.

"No. I will not do that. Thats pathetic! Thats sick! Stupid! Fucking bullshit! I will not allow some fake ass "mother gandi" tell me who I will be with for the rest of my life." I stood up and yelled.

"First of all, she's not fake! Second, don't you dare call her any horrific names! Thrid, you will treat her and me with respect!" He yelled at me like I was a 5 year old getting in trouble for disrespecting an adult.

"Who the hell do you think you are?? Telling me that I have to 'respect you and her' ?? Yeahhh sure. If you think ao highly of her, then you mise well get married for god sakes!" I screamed. I'm getting really pissed now. He can't tell me what to do. He's only like...3 years older than me. Or something. Whatever. Doesn't give him the right to yell at me.

"I am Alpha and I am your mate. You will treat me with respect. And the Moon goddess is not able to get married. Expecially not to me. And I honestly wouldn't want to get married to her. I have anoyher person on my mind.." he said that last part in a whisper, but I could still hear him. Who does he have in mind? It kind of stung when thinking about him with someone else. But it's just that stupid mating thing. So it's not the real me.

"Whatever. Okay? I'm done with this. It's all hitting me at once, and I rather not argue about it all right now. I just want to go to sleep." I said and lay down on my bed. It felt so comfy now.

He just sighed and sat in the space in front of my stomach. Since I was on my side, he say on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry for all this. But can I ask you one last question before you go to sleep?" He asked calmly.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Would you like to move into my territory, so that we can sort it all out and get to know eachother better. You can meet a lot of my pack and you can get to know a new life. Because honestly....I see the way you behave over here... and I know you don't like it. I just want you to be happy. I want to be the person to make you happy." He said, while caressing my cheek.

I thought about it for a second. It would seem like a good idea... I could start over. I might even be able to break some habits...

All I know is that I don't want him finding out. I want to start over with him. I want him to be the good thing in my life, the person who makes it whole. I will not let my problems, insecurities, and habits destroy that. Destory this.

"Yes. I would love to." I smiled. 5 minutes later, I fell asleep in two strong, warm arms.

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