Chapter 3- Searching

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I got dressed into my purple skinny jeans and black crop top. I put on my purple converse and my makeup, cleaned up and walked down into the kitchen.

I was met by Mr. Angel-Dude.

"Morning Mr. Angel-Dude." I said not looking at him. Since I came up with his nickname, mise well say it to him.

"Excuse me?" He asked confused.

"Thats your nickname for me. You look like an angel so mise well." I said. Who cares if I just admitted that I think he's hot? I dont care, thats for sure.

He laughed. Oh his laugh is an angel's laugh. "So you think I'm hot?"

"Yes, and no I'm not scared to admit that to you." I smiled.

"Why would you be scared ever?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said shyly.

"Okay well thank you.." he smiled and looked down happily.

I looked in the cabinet and got out my Fruit Loops. I got a bowl and started pouring the cerel and milk in the bowl. I sat down with spoon in hand and started eating.

After I finished, I put my bowl in the sink and started walking out the kitchen.

"Wait. Where are you going?" He asked, following me.

"Into my uncles office why?"

"You aren't supposed to go in there." He said with a stern look. He stopped and I turned around to face him.

"1st- I don't care. 2nd- I never listen anyway, so why start now? 3rd- Are you gonna come with me or are you just gonna stand there being a pussy?" I said with a smirk.

"Don't call me that. You better respect me." He said sternly.

"Respect you?! Hahah! Very funny! I don't even respect my family, why would I respect a stranger? Plus. Who are you to tell me what to do??" I laughed hysterically. This dude needs to get it in his hot head, that I won't and don't listen to people. I do my own thing.

"You will see.. trust me." He said and started walking to my uncles office. I smiled happily.

"It's locked." He said after he tried to turn the nob.

"Not for me it isn't." I said pusjing him out the way. The second I touched him little sparked ran up my arm. I ignored them and took a bobby-pin out of my hair.

I put it in the lock and started messing around with it until I heard a click. I smiled and turned the nob.

"You see? Easy." I said and pushed the door open.

There was a huge black desk in the middle of the room, about 10 feet away from the door. There was black filing cabinets next to the desk. Then in the back of the room was 3 book shelfs filled with books.

The walls were very plain and nothing stood on it. There was a whiteboard standing on the side of the room and little wheels. My uncle's writing was all over it.

I walked up to the desk and sat in the comfy, spinning chair.

"What are you looking for exactly?" He asked, looking at me with much interest.

"I'm looking for whatever my uncle and everyone is hiding from me."

He sat on the desk and raised one eyebrow. He looked really hot like that. His arms were crossed in front of him, so his muscles were shown really well.

"What do you think they are hiding from you?"

"I don't know...all I know is that they gave off some little clues that I caught.. like 'Alpha' and 'Mate'... stuff like that." I said pulling out a drawer. It was filled with plain paper. I ruffled through it, seeing nothing but plain paper.

I got up and walked up to the filing cabinets. I opened the top drawer that was labeled 'Packs'. There was like 50 files with a bunch of papers in each one.

I took out one of them and opened it. The first paper showed a picture a Dylan. Dylan is my Uncle's best friend's son. He used to tease me all the time when we were young. Although I don't know why my uncle would have a picture of him in a file. The next paper showed a red-brown wolf. A giant one at that.

'Dylan Morgann- next in line for beta in the Moonlight Pack.' in line for beta... wolves... packs...??

"Find anything interesting?" Angel-Dude asked me.

"Um... im not sure..." I said confused.

"What you mean?" He asked walking towards me.

"I found a picture of one of my friends and then a giant wolf. And then read this." I said pointing to the papers.

He read it and his expression never changed....but his eyes shown a little nervousness in them but dissappeared quickly. He knew something...

"So what do you think?" I asked. If all these people want to play a game, I will too.

"I think you should stop searching through whats not yours and get out of here before you get in trouble." He said sternly walking towards the door.

"Look! I don't need your stubborn tight ass here bugging me about what I should and shouldn't do! Ok? My family and friends are keeping something big from me that I deserve to know. And you are too. I know it. So you can either help me here or you can keep being the douche bag you are and get the hell outta my way!" I hit my point with him. He can either help me or tell me, that'd be easier.

"Okay...I'm sorry... I just think that you should just go up to your uncle and ask him yourself instead of snooping around his private office.

"He won't tell me shit. So whats the point?"
I asked.

"The point of where you won't get into so much trouble." he said in a know-it-all tone.

"Fine! Whatever. But you will pay me back for this!" I yelled throwing the files down on the desk, and stomping out the door.

I turned around though, sadly. Becasue I needed that file to show my uncle proof.

Then I stomped out, but not without seeing that little satisfied smirk on Angel-Dude's face.

"Ohh shut up!" I said angrily.

"I didn't even say anything." He laughed and closed the office door.

I stomped downstairs and towards the room where my uncle usally has business meetings in. I didn't care if he was in a meeting or not.

I stomped right in there, throwing the door open, letting it bang against the wall behind it. Everyone in the room looked up from the papers in front of them. I had a very angry expression on right now.

"What are you doing, invading my meeting?!" My uncle half spoke half yelled at me.

"Oh don't give me that!" I said walking up to him.

"Excuse me?!" He had a shocked expression on. I normally didn't talk to him like this no matter what. But now was a different story.

"I think we should tell her. She's going to find out soon anyway." Angel-Dude said from behind me. I knew he knew.

"What the hell is all this? What is going on here?!" I yelled throing the papers down on the table for him to see. He glanced down at the papers and glanced back at me. His expression changed to an apologetic one. Yeah he better be sorry. If it's something major then someone is gonna get hit. I swear.

"Um.. well.. I can explain.. but I'd rather have your mate explain to you so you won't be that angry." He said. My mate? Why is he calling Angel-Dude my mate??

I turned around to face Max.

He smiled at me shyly. Ohh I'm going to love this explanation.

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