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"You're going to do great," I sniffled as I hugged my best friend for what may be the last time.

"Tatum I can't do this," I whimpered but she held me at arms length, smiling through her tears.

"Belle you are so much stronger than you think you are. We'll talk all the time."

That was four months ago.

I haven't talk to Tatum since, I haven't talked to anyone since. It's easier going through college in silence like I did my senior year of high school instead of dealing with people who only hurt you.

"Anyone sitting here?" I jump at the sound of the deep voice beside me and look up to see an intimidating man with harsh eyes and gentle curls. I immediately shake my head and he sits, causing me to hold my breath as my eyes widen down at my journal.

"Professor douche says you're pretty good and you could tutor me." I shrug, wondering slightly how someone could struggle with learning their own language.

"I've got dyslexia, figured you should know now if you're gonna tutor me." I feel awful even thinking wrongly about his struggle but shake it off, knowing he knows nothing of it.

"Are you just not gonna talk to me? What kind of freak," I hear him mutter the word under his breath and I look up at him, tears in my eyes. "I'm not tutoring you," my words come out as a whisper and he sighs heavily.

"Listen, I really need to pass this class and if I have to be a dick about it I will." Shock fills me at his tone but again I shake my head and begin going over my notes for our test today.

"Okay freak, have it your way." He sits up straight but once the test comes to us he slouches, obviously defeated, and I can't help but feel terrible. Even if he's the most horrendous person I've met since I got here I shouldn't let him suffer. I finish my test quickly before anyone else and take a few minutes to build my confidence before walking up to Professor Marks. Sometimes I really despise my compassion. He takes the test with a smile but I ask quietly to speak with him in the hall.

"What is it miss Rousseau?" I take a deep breath, today being the most I've spoken in months. "Can you give that boy an extension, just let me help him for a bit?" He looks at me in confusion for a few moments before nodding. "Harry? Did he ask you like I told him to?"

"Yes, I hadn't decided until now but I want to help if it's alright with you."

"Go in there and get his test, set it back on my desk while I get you some things to go over with him." I nod and walk back into the classroom, thanking my lucky stars that I sat in the back today so I won't draw attention. Harry looks up in anger when I set my hand gently on his empty test and his scowl doesn't lessen as I pick it up and put it back on professor Marks' desk.

When I return to my seat Harry is holding multiple packets of work and he hands them to me. I silently write down my dorm number and cell number on a slip of paper and give it to an extremely confused Harry. "Your helping me?" I nod once again in silence and watch as he tries to make sense of it. I'm not sure the boy has ever experienced someone trying to help him before and I'm not sure that I'm ready to be the first.


I hope you're as excited as I am.

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Much love x

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