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"Momma, how many days until Christmas Eve now?" Her eyes shine with excitement as Harry walls with us in a grocery store. He pushes her in the cart, with one hand in mine. It shocks me, the way he acts now. He's so caring and gentle with me, and especially with Elle. I've never seen him look at anything the way he looks at her. It's an amazing feeling, knowing that he wouldn't abandon me because of my past. And I love seeing Elle like this, so happy every minute of the day. She's growing into such a polite young girl.

"Today is Christmas Eve sweetheart," she looks at Harry and I with excitement. "That means Santa is coming tonight!" My heart aches for my baby, I know I can't get her much and it's saddening. "Well honey, I don't know if Santa visits colleges."

"I'm sure he does," Harry steps into the conversation, a reassuring smile on his face. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him. "I need to go Christmas shopping," I whisper while she's distracted. "I'll watch her once we get to your dorm. You can take my car and get some stuff, I don't mind." I thank him and once we're back on campus, Harry takes my key and takes Elle to my dorm. "Be safe," he kisses my cheek and walks away without a word. "Bye momma," Elle calls back to me and I wave with a smile. I love my baby girl.

As I shop I think about my baby girl, her disappointed face when I said Santa wouldn't be coming. But if Santa won't be here, then I'm going to get her exactly what she wanted. I go to the American Doll shop and buy the doll she wanted. It looks just like my baby, light skin with freckles, curly brown hair, and hazel eyes, as beautiful as my Elle. I pass by a store, a brown pair of Saint Laurent boots that Harry has been looking for on sale. How could I not buy them? I'll work to get the money back once I have time, and it's times like these my grandpa wanted me to use the money they gave me. "Christmas is always an excuse to be extravagant love," he'd always say.

I'm beyond excited for both of them to open these. Harry has done so much for me these past few weeks I can't help but feel myself growing fonder of him every day. Yes, we've had a discussion about all of his boots, sizes and colors and what not. And he was so upset about his old pair breaking. He's going to be ecstatic.

I drive back with a smile on my face, their presents hidden in the bags I carry in.

"Momma," Elle shouts excitedly and runs to me, jumping up in my arms. Harry looks scared when her head comes close to my nose but relaxes once she's safe in my arms. "Hello love," he stands and hugs both of us in his arms tightly.

"I'm glad you're safe, the roads got pretty bad while you were gone." I nod, the roads were slick and I almost slid a few times but nothing bad happened. "I'm fine Harry, thank you," he nods, reassuring himself before he lets go of me.

"What'd you get me momma?" I giggle, Elle's excited state something I'll never get tired of seeing. "Sweetie I can't tell you, it's a surprise for tomorrow morning." She pouts but jumps down to play with some of her dolls. "Hawwy will you still play with me?" He smiles and sits down with her while I go into the kitchen to wrap the presents really quick. When I come back and place them under the tree before sitting on my bed with Elle and Harry.

Night comes and Harry leaves, promising to be back early in the morning. He has a key to the dorm so I won't have to worry about it thank goodness. Elle and I stay up a little longer, taking a shower and getting ready for bed. She asks me to wash her face like I do mine and we spend some time having a small spa session. I've missed these moments with her so much.

I wake up the next morning to a pair of lips on my forehead. I look up to see Harry smiling with a bag over his shoulder. "Santa's here," he whispers with a smile on his face. He places the bag on the floor and unloads it, placing some presents under the tree. "Harry what?" He only smiles and goes to wake up Elle.

"Elle wake up, Santa came last night!" His excitement sends butterflies through my stomach. She smiles and jumps onto my bed, hugging me close. "Mewwy Christmas momma," I say the same and kiss her head.

"Let's get this started," Harry smiles and helps Elle down to the tree. She giggles and picks up the first one, I grab my phone and snap a quick picture before she starts to open it. It's the only one from me. Her jaw drops and her eyes begin to water.

"Momma she's so pretty," she whispers as she strikes the doll's hair. "Thank you," she hugs me tightly. I take a breath of relief knowing that she likes the doll. She opens the rest of her presents from Santa(Harry) most of them clothes and play sets from American dolls, her happiness is beautiful.

Harry is surprised once he sees more than one present left after Elle opens all of hers.

"Harry you didn't have to."

"Belle you didn't need to."

We speak at the same time but stop and smile, both of us picking up the gifts. He has me go first after some insistence. I open it and gasp at the beauty of the ring inside.

"I wanted to give you something that shows you that I promise to be here, I promise to support you and Elle until my dying breath." My heart aches at his words, this man that I'm falling for could not be any more perfect.

"Mines not as special, something I remember you saying you needed." He looks at me in confusion with a small smirk on his face before he opens it.

"What the- oh my- how?" He shouts and I laugh. "I've been looking for these everywhere thank you so much," he leans over and kisses me, a deep passionate kiss like something I've never experienced before.

"Eww stop," Elle speaks up and I pull away from Harry, still in a daze. "I'm sorry love, why don't you go get dressed so we can go out for brunch," Harry says and she nods, once she's out of the room I pull his lips to mine again, enjoying every second of it.

We go out to brunch after, all of us together like a happy family. Elle has become so close to Harry it gives me butterflies, and I smile brightly the entire time.

"Merry Christmas babe," he leans over while Elle eats her pancakes. "Merry Christmas Harry."

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Much love x

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