Chapter 5

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The next morning (Thursday)


I woke up to banging across the hall in Twin room. School dont start till another hour, i swear if this nigga throwing a fit again imma beat his fucking ass.

I got out of bed and slid on my Gucci Flip-Flops, i swung my door open and walked across the hallway to Twin room. I opened the door to his room, clothes and shoe boxes was everywhere. "What the fuck" I mumbled looking around his room at the mess he done made

"Twin" I yelled, Twin walked out the closet looking mad ass hell "What the fuck happend"

"Man i missing 2 grand out my safe, somebody been takin my shit" He snapped

"You know i anit taken none of yo shit or Nae, u better find out who" I said "And damn 2 grand, u sure u anit spend that shit or sum"

"Even if i did, i get the shit right back the same day. I know my shit anit just walk away i got over half 3 million in my safe and i dont miss count nothin"

"Well what u want me to do about it, take it out my ass and give it to u" I said

"Nigga i ont need you to do shit but get the fuck out my room, bitch i kno u got over 3 milli too so dont try to act broke." He snapped

"What u want me to give u 2 grand" I asked

"Nawl, i ont need shit from nobody. I'll get my shit back, get the fuck out my room" He said "Matter fact i know who the fuck took my shit" He rushed out the room and i followed him. He ran all the way down the steps and i was right behind him

"Pops" Twin said banging on Pops bedroom door "Open tha door" Twin added banging louder

"What the fuck u want" Pops said opening the door fully dressed

"Where u bouta go" I asked

"Where the fuck that theifen ass maid at" Twin snapped

"She should be walking in the door now, why" Just then front door slammed and in walked the maid. I smirked while looking at Twin walked over to her, she looked nervous ass hell.

Twin picked her up by her neck and pinned her on the front door. "Bitch where the fuck my money at" He snapped

"What the fuck is he talking about" Pops asked standing next to me

"I dont know what your talking about" The maid whispered trying to breath. Twin punched her in the face and banged her head on the door

"Bitch imma ask you one more time where the fuck my money at and this time u better give me the right answer" Twin semi yelled

"I spent it" She gasped

"You spent my shit bitch" He yelled banging her head on the door "Do you know how fucking hard i work for that shit" He banged her head again "I give u 50 dollars every fucking day, plus my pops pay yo scheming ass" He threw her across the room like a newborn baby.

She gasped for air with tears running down her face "Im sorry" She said taking breaths

"Damn" I mumbled cracking up laughing "Thats what you get bitch, never bite the hand that feeds you" I yelled at her while laughing

"Tray this shit anit funny" Twin snapped at me and i frowned

"Fuck outta here wit that yellin" I said

"How the fuck she kno yo combo or that the safe was in ya closet" Pops asked

"My combo is me and Twin's birthday, and she does clean our rooms from time to time" Twin said

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