Chapter 8

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The Next Morning *10:00*

I felt the other side of my bed move and i quickly lifted up grabbing my gun

"Its me" Nae mumbled and i pushed her off of my bed before putting my gun back under my pillow

"Who the fuck told yo ass to come in here, what if i was naked" I said standing up and looking at the time "And we late for schoo" I mumbled

"I went in TwinTwin room but he told me i couldnt sleep in the bed with him so i came in here" Nae said standing up and holding her back

"Dont do that shit again unless im up because you could of got shot Nae" I snapped

"Ok dang, im sorry" She replied

"Next time go to ya Uncle room. Go get dressed because we already late"

She said sum shit under her breath then walked out of the room. I walked into my closet and grabbed sum bleached Trues, a blue Polo shirt, and the newest Jordans i got from the Mall last night.

I stepped into my bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face, put lotion in my hair, and slipped my earrings in my ear before putting on my clothes on. After i put my shoes i walked out my room, TwinTwin was walking out his room too so we mugged eachother. He had the same thing i had on except his shirt was bright orange

"Why anit u wake up on time" He asked as we walked down the steps

"The same reason you didnt" I shot back

"I was tired" He stated "You went to sleep early so it wasnt no reason for u not getting up on time"

Wen we reached the last step i look at him and shook my head "Stop talking to me like u pops, dont question me nigga. Jus cause i went to sleep early dont mean shit, im not yo fuckin alarm clock getcho ass up by yaself" I snapped brushing pass him and walking into pops room

"Where u goin" I asked him because once again he was fully dressed "You should of woke us up since it look like u been up for a good 2 hours"

"I been up for 3 hours, yawl big boys and Nae is a big girl so i dont have to wake yawl up. Start getting up cause if i have to wake yawl up imma have a bat in my hand and imma tag yawl asses. This yawl last time being late for schoo or imma start taggin yawl asses" He stated

"Yeah, i hear u pops" I replied

"Im ready" Nae said from behind me, i turned around and she had on sum orange joggers, a orange Truck Fit shirt, and the same Jordans me and TwinTwin had on. "Hey Uncle" She added walking up to pops and kissing his cheek

"Why u got on all that orange" Pops asked

"Its my favorite color, i love orange. Quit hatin old ass man" She said and then took of running towards the front door

"Imma kick her ass" He mumbled laughing "Bye Twin, imma be here wen yawl get out of schoo. Today we going to Champions to have dinner"

"Ight pops" I walked out his room, grabbed my car keys, and headed towards my car.

"Why you anit wait on me" TwinTwin asked getting into the backseat of my car since Nae was in the front. I got in the car, turned around to him, and frowned

"Why the fuck u in my car, drive yo shit" I said before turning back around and starting my car up

"I anit feel like driving bitch"

"Yo shut up for i put yo ass out my car" I said


10 minutes later we pulled up to the school and hopped out the car to meet up wit Eli, Jordan, and ManMan

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