Project Arachnid

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Experiment 2

I was trapped inside with these horrific creatures and realized that I might hopefully reach the end of my peak in this facility. Although this circumstances seem to be against my favor, I did managed to scrutinize their animalistic behavior in my journal so everything was not a total loss.

It is fascinating to witness on how remarkable these creatures are territorial with one another. Of course, the arachnids were rightfully superior since their meal intake consist on devouring the lower insects which what makes them on the apex of the food web. However, this does not exclude the possibility that other arachnids will not cannibalize each other if their food supply runs scarce. In fact, I have proved this conjecture by pertaining a closer look at one of the arachnid's victims which was a maimed spider lying on the ground.

It appears that this maimed spider did not prevail during a heavy battle with one of the alpha spiders and had selected to wither away slowly. As I finish analyzing this dead corpse of the spider, I stumbled across that spider used to be my favorite companion above all the other insects so my heart grew weary to see this tragic incident. I realize that there was no time to grief in this dire situation though honestly this news struck me on a very personal level. I did not know how this spider managed to be in this crazy predicament but one thing for sure is that there were many fond memories with this one. Some people might find the ideology of keeping a spider as a companion is bizarre but this spider taught me that all creatures can be considered beautiful. I still remembered that moment that I purchased him at a local pet store and sometimes I would take him outside for tepid sunny days. I can even recall comical moments around individuals including my family that there was a spider in the facilities and I would just giggle at them because the spider was only harmless. Most people approach me strangely because I was so different to them made me draw closer to this spider since we were both unique in our own ways. Those memories have such a impact on my life which is why I apply for this scientific program yet however I must find shelter now.

Suddenly, I heard something scurrying rapidly this direction where I am heading and I immediately dashed across the nearest refuge. Outwitting these intelligent cybernetic monsters will not be an easy task but I knew that my presence would not be tolerated any longer. These creatures have a sensor installed in their mechanism that can track any movement to assist on stalking their prey so if I remain motionless in my current position then it would be suicidal. This was a game of hide and seek and I am certain that the outcome would be friendly as the rules intended. I am aware that these insects and arachnids noticed that I dwell in this facility but their programming made me approach as imminent threat in their territory.

When I took shelter that is completely off the radar from these arachnids, there were arachnids patrolling the abandoned hallways with newly enhanced vision and ransacking every room in this facility just to find my location. These creatures kept getting closer and closer until one arachnid gave a radiant glow from its beady eyes on the window and I strive to make myself motionless as possible in order to dismiss them. However, it did not deter when an arachnid crawled right next to my location so I panicked on how to escape out of here and that is how I was spotted by them. Soon, the arachnid gave out a beacon by shaking its lower abdomen and I immediately froze in fear that there is no way out of this nightmare. The arachnid called out a loud shriek once it stretches its fangs that would certainly summon other arachnids to this area but I could not take the risk any further so I decided to silence this arachnid permanently.

Later, I contained the arachnid in my backpack for further research once I find my way out of this facility and have this arachnid as a souvenir for others to see this project. However, I felt the presence of multiple arachnids nearby my location and there was no time to stick around when the arachnids get a hold of the fact that I kidnap one of their kind as hostage. My heart kept bursting me with adrenaline to the point that I have reached my destination. Luckily, I breached toward the elevator yet repeatedly tapping the nearest button that I may escape out of this nightmare and installed the security system in case of infiltration. Finally I made across to the security room and there I was able to oversee all of the hidden activities of cybernetic insects and arachnids.

At first, I thought that I was safe from the dreadful terror of these monsters but somehow they had managed to gnaw their way in this room. Then they were clanging against the metallic walls until they were able to place dents and all I can do in this facility was to shiver in fear as I wait for my demise. It was frightened to bear witness that creatures can easily tear on one of the strongest alloys on Earth and I could even hear echoes of them climbing their way into the vents. I knew there was no way out but...........(to be continued)

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