♥The Gathering♥

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Michael' POV

As I went home, I notice that the lights are open In the living room, dining room, bedroom...everywhere.....

Whats happening?...strange....

This is the first time that our house Is so bright!!

"Dad.....Drake.....where are you?" I started panicking

What If something wrong happen to Dad and Drake?!...I can't afford to lose them..they are my family....

I decided to sit down on the sofa...

(Calm Michael..everything will be alright) I thought

I saw a note on top of the table...I started reading It

Note: Michael,
Me and Drake will be at home around 12 pm...don't worry about us..stay safe all the time...in case youre hungry, there's food in the refrigerator.


Phewwww....good thing there safe...but I dont get it...why are the lights open?..and why did they go without me?

I decided to call my friend "Vincent"

"Vincent....do you know where dad and Drake Is?"

(I hear loud noises....)

"Sorry..I can't hear you bro..what are you asking me again?"

I started to talk loud....

"Can you go In a quiet place?...."

"Sure bro...wait" he said

"Okay...so what are you asking again?" He asked

"Do you know where Dad and Drake Is?" I asked

"You mean they didn't bring you to the gathering?" He asked

I can sense that Vincent seem shocked..

"What do you mean? There's a gathering there?" I asked

"Yupp...that Is why It's very noisy here"

"What Is the gathering all about?..who has a birthday today?" I asked in annoyance

"The gathering Is all about youre Dad's (king) celebration.....we are celebrating the....the...."

"The what?!" I shouted

"We are celebrating the death of the humans...and that theres an offering happening right now"

I wasn't able to say a word...

I started to get irritated and annoyed!!...yes I am really disappointed!....

I decided to wait for Dad and Drake's return....

(After 7 hours of waiting)

"Michael..why are you still awake?..It's 12pm already...you need to sleep now; you still have a class tomorrow" Dad said

"Ohh...I'm sorry dad...did u had fun a while ago?...ohh wait...let me guess; I don't think I can trust you anymore dad" I said

"What do you mean? Why are talking to me In a disrespectful way?!"

" I know everything dad...you and Drake went to a garhering a while ago right?...did you enjoy drinking and sucking human blood? I asked

Dad was about to hit me but Drake stopped Dad from doing so...

"Better go to your room Michael" Drake said

I went to my room...

Aaarghhh!!! I started to lie down on my bed....I've had a long a day.....

Wait a minute...where's my black bracelet?!....I hope It' just here somewhere...my mom gave it to me before she died...aarghh! Where Is it?!

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