♥That's Mine♥

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Chihiro's POV

I can't forget what happened in school...aarghh!! I'm so stress right now..should I tell mom and dad about it?...

"Nina...what's wrong with you?" Mom asked worriedly

"Nothing mom" I lied

"Are you sure?...you look worried...I know If youre hiding something from me..I'm your mom....I know you very well" mom said

"Mom..trust me...there's nothing wrong...I'm okay" I said

"Well okay..if you say so" mom said

I suddenly remembered the black bracelet that I found at the Vampire Academy Court...

The last thing I remembered Is that I put It in my pocket...

So I went to my room...

I get the black bracelet from my skirt pocket...

I don't know why..but I'm really attracted towards the bracelet...

It has canine teeth figures as a style...

I really want to return this to the owner but I dont know who owns It...Also, I already like this bracelet... well this is not called "stealing" ....It's what we called "Finders Keepers"....I found It therefore I'll keep It..that's the way It works...

I think I can only wear this at home...Because the owner might see me wearing this at school...

I decided to do my homeworks...
Aarghh!! I Can't get Trigonometry!!...the triangle figures are making me dizzy...

I went to the kitchen and started cooking...for sure dad might be home anytime..dad loves pasta very much...therefore, I am cooking basil pasta...

Suddenly the telephone rang...

Mom was about to go and accept the call..but I stopped mom from doing so..

I got nervous..maybe Mrs. Valentine Is the one calling...maybe she will inform mom about the incident...

"Mom..let me handle this" I said In a nervous tone

"Okay" Mom said

Mom went In her office room again..

Pheeww!! That was close!!

So I accepted the call..

"Hello" I said

"Good Evening..may I please speak to Mrs.Berza..this Is Mrs. Valentine..the school's prefect of discipline" she said

Ohh no!!..Chihiro..think...

I pretend that I'm "Mrs. Berza"...so I changed my voice..and I'm trying hard to sound just like my mom!!!

"This Is Mrs. Berza...what can I do for you?" I said confidently

"Mrs. This Is to inform you that your daughter Chihiro happened to have an incident a while ago
.that Is why we wanted to discuss this matter with you Mrs. Berza..are you free tomorrow mrs. At around 10 am ?" Mrs Valentine asked

"Oohh I see..but I'm very busy..as well as her dad..so I don't think I can come there..besides my daughter already told me everything..and as far as I know..she didn't do anything wrong" I said

"Well ok Mrs.Berza..thanks for your time" Mrs Valentine said

"Welcome" I said

I must admit..this Is one of the craziest things I have done In my life....the last crazy thing that I did was 4 years ago...when dad got kicked out of his band because of me...and because of that I regret It very much...because If dad Is still in the band right now..then he shouldn't have been a vampire hunter now...

"Chihiro..who called?" Mom asked

"Well It's just a mistake mom..we didn't order any appliance right?" I asked

"Yupp..we didn't" mom answered

Pheew!!..as usual I need to lie again so that mom would not know about the incident in school..

"Where did you get that bracelet?" Mom asked

"I bought It..yesterday" I lied again

I can see that mom Is not convince..and that she doesn't want to believe me...

So mom took the bracelet from me..

"Mom..thats mine" I said

"Who gave this to you? ..do you have a secret admirer?" Mom asked

"Mom of course not!!...who would even like me?!...I really bought that mom" I defensively said

"Okay..if you say so" Mom gave me the bracelet

Suddenly dad arrived...

"Dad I cooked pasta for you" i said

"No thanks Chihiro" Dad said

Okay so I get It..whenever dad refuses to eat pasta..It means that he Is having a problem

"What's the problem dad?" I asked

"Nothing...don't worry I can handle this" dad said

"What Is It dad...I can help you with your problem" I said

"I heard that In the other village..there are lots of people who died..damn those vampires!! ...I'm worried and nervous now..what If something wrong will happen to you and your mom...I don't know
What to do now" dad starts crying

My heart suddenly broke...this is the first time thar I saw dad cry..and It makes me cry too..

"Don't worry..I will protect you and your mom" dad said

I hugged dad...to pacify him...

Aarghhh!! I have so many problems right now..


Thanks for reading my story guyss:))..I really appreciate It a lot...I promise to update the next chapter asap...plss votee and put a comment..I would like to listen to your suggestions and reactions..

So I came up with this idea guysss... i want all of you to put your suggestions ...suggest what to put in the next chapter and I promise to do It:))..
Love yah guys!! Pls voteee

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