Description and Disease

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The reason that darkness had come was purely that Alois had passed out completely.

Claude, of course, noticed it in an instant and took Alois in his arms, bringing the tiny blonde as close to his chest as he could. He set his chin atop Alois' messy mop of blonde hair, his golden eyes open and his ears alert. A spirit, one very unfriendly, was in the room. The demon easily heard Alois' tiny whimper as the boy rolled over, burying his face into Claude's broad chest.

And they stayed like that for hours.

Claude glanced at the clock on Alois' bedtable.

4:45 AM, exactly.

A loud crash and crack had been heard from downstairs, which could be any number of things. A shattered window, a broken vase. Maybe just something falling over.

Or a break in.

The male wasn't risking leaving his lover, knowing the dangers of doing so. So he stayed, golden eyes alert. Watching. The demon, peering into the darkness, listening beyond the skitters of the tiny spiders on their webs or in the walls.


They weren't light like Alois', and weren't fast, either. Slow and heavy. A shout broke through the silence, Claude covering Alois' ears, as he was the one who made it.

"Hannah! And you three lazy slouches! Intruder in third corridor on the stairs!"

Immediately there was a rush of fast footsteps and demonic instinct, the entire air of the previously calm manor being destroyed in a flurry of attack.

"C-Claude......." A small groan came from the blonde child next to the demon male. His eyes fell upon the speaker, gazing at him.

"Yes, what is it, your highness?"

"Why... Why did you yell?" Alois had reached up to rub a blue eye. "It scared me....." A little pout was resting on Alois' pink lips, the lips Claude so adored.

"Don't let it worry you, at least for now, my love." The spider said gently, letting his slender fingers cup Alois' cheek. "Everything is okay."

And he was right. The flurries of attack had ended, the intruder was gone. Likely not forever, having simply been warded away by the four demons. Eventually, it would come down to Claude only to attack and defeat. Which, of course, he would. The only way to protect his tiny, fragile lover.

He'd finally noticed.

Alois was special, not just because of his history, how his brain worked, or his physical attributes. Yes, Alois had been traumatized. Yes, the tiny boy had multiple mental issues that Claude couldn't fix. And of course, as everyone knew, he was gorgeous. His blonde hair, golden, really. Pale, porcelain skin, crystalline blue eyes. Plump and pink lips, a dainty nose leaving no hint to his heritage.

He looked like a royal.

Not only his face shocked people who had known the previous Earl.

His body as well.

Tiny, but beautiful.

Svelte and curvaceous, especially so for a boy. Lean but well-built, delicate but strong. For the most part.

But Alois was weak.

His soul, no. His soul was both sweet and pungent, sparking a demon's darkest desires for a taste, just the tiniest taste.

His heart and his head were what were fragile.

Things could get into the blonde's heart that the child couldn't resist. Feelings and emotions unhealthy for him to hold. Hatred, anger, and even love weren't exactly good for the blonde.

Things could also get into his head. Memories, thoughts. A hatred, a deep-seated hatred, towards himself. Horrors and anything the boy had ever known, resided in his head.

Behind clear, sky blue eyes, and a happy little smile, rested a haunted fifteen year old.

Nobody could ever entirely fix that.

But Claude was determined to do his best.


〜〜〜〜〜 FIRST PERSON 〜〜〜〜

It was cold, when I woke up.

Freezing, really.

The only thing that felt to be warm was Claude. Had my demon not moved? He hadn't left? How surprising. I'd assumed that, upon my falling asleep, Claude would have left, as per usual.

But he hadn't.

He still wasn't gone.

I looked up to him, feeling myself moving sluggishly. I didn't feel well. At all.

"C-Claude......." I let out a tiny groan, hearing my own voice rasp. It hurt to speak.

"Yes, what is it, your highness?" I could hear his deep, soft voice. It sounded to me like silk, compared to my own nasty one at the moment. I attempted to clear my throat, but nothing really happened. Upon speaking, I still sounded like a dog with a broken rib, trying to whine.

"Why... Why did you yell?" I let myself pout, taking an advantage of the fact that Claude seemed to like my face. At least he didn't hate me, or at least he didn't let onto it. If he did. I rubbed my eye, it itched. "It scared me...." The yell had woken me up, though I'd no idea of what he's said.

"Don't let it worry you, at least for now, my love." His fingers lightly trailed over my cheek, and I leaned into them, feeling my hair curl up a bit more. 'Stupid waves, stop that.' I thought, sighing gently.



"Do you really love me?" My voice still rasped, making me sound ill. Maybe I was.

"Of course, your highness." Through the darkness of my room, I saw him frown, and felt him press cool lips to my forehead. "You're burning up."

"Am I?" I croaked, leaning into him with a cold shiver. Why was I so cold?

Claude said I felt hot.

"Very much so." His voice reached my ear, I felt his lips brush the shell. "D-don't go." I said, panic filling my chest, my head. I didn't want him to leave, I thought for sure I would freeze without his warmth.

"I will not. I was simply shifting so that you were closer to the middle of the bed." He murmured. His voice sounded smooth, like honey, and I felt my eyes growing heavy once more.

"Sleep, Alois."

And I did.



||: A/N:

The next chapter will continue as per usual, with a third person omniscient, mostly on Claude. In fact, Alois won't be around. No, I'm not killing him. I'd never do that. And he isn't being abducted, either. He's sick, I'll have him in bed for the majority of the chapter.

I hope you enjoyed this long part, lots of sad and fluffy dialogue in this. Thank you so much for taking time to read this, and I love you all. ||:

Inner Fear (Claude Faustus x Alois Trancy)Where stories live. Discover now