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Christmas had ended, and the sense of being watched was back in the Trancy manor. It daily grew stronger, and it had every demon looking over their shoulders to make sure nobody was there. Eventually it became a presence of its own.

Alois had started to insist upon Claude sharing his bed, to protect him. The terror didn't stop him from being adorable, however, he spent nights curled in Claude's chest.

One night, the demon untangled himself from Alois to go take care of something, just to hear a scream only moments later and go back in.

He found Alois curled in a tiny ball, the blonde's curtains on the floor. He didn't leave the room again for the night.

Things started happening randomly.

Paintings would move, vases would change, carpets would even shift. One morning, a carpet had been replaced with one that was coffee stained. Alois was no longer allowed to enter rooms without anyone else.

Claude was just waiting for it to crack, for everything to be sucked down the drain. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

And one day it did.

The sky was reddish and, although it was March, it was hot and dry. The dry heat was almost suffocating, the grass withering and plants growing parched.

Claude entered the sitting room to find Alois on the floor, crying and begging for it all to stop. Saying he couldn't take it anymore, he would do anything.

And the manor filled with laughter.

Sick, twisted laughter.

Claude raced over and dropped to his knees, lifting Alois up as he heard a rumble of thunder and clouds break into a heavy downpour. He carried the blonde to his room and tucked him safely in bed, having one of the triplets watch him.

The male was cleaning the sitting room, watching the lightning flash behind the pouring rain. He finally shouted at nothing in particular.

"Will you STOP ruining his life?! He did nothing to you. You don't own Alois or this home, so you need to back off before I kill you again."

The demons was it expecting an answer, but he got one.

"Wrong." The tone was teasing, an obviously raspy voice of an old human.

The demon frowned. "I'm not wrong."

"Yes you are."

"How so?"

"I own him."

Claude was silent, the voice responded again.

"You can't hurt me now."

"I'm stronger than you."

"That doesn't matter."

"You have no physical form."

"I'll find one."

"I'll report you to the police."

"Nobody will believe you."

"Believe what?"

"That I broke Alois again."

Just hearing the voice say Alois' name made Claude shudder.


And the voice did.

"Claude...? Who are you talking to?" Alois spoke from the doorway, azure eyes sleepy.

"Nobody, your highness... I promise."

Alois walked over to him and hugged him.

"Claude?" He mumbled.


"Will you protect me?" He looked up at his butler.

"Of course, your highness."

"To... To the bitter end?"


Alois' voice was a whisper.

"Do you love me?"

"I love you more than you can imagine." Claude whispered gently.

Alois leaned up and locked their lips together; the demon kissed back equally as passionately.

Alois may have been in danger. But that didn't mean that they loved each other any less, of course.

If anything?

Claude loved him more.

Inner Fear (Claude Faustus x Alois Trancy)Where stories live. Discover now