Chapter 2

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Hey guys sorry about my laziness besides school doesn't help either I'm not gonna talk much cause I'm boring and have like nothing to say so I'm starting now enjoy!

Natsu's pov

I quickly jerked up in my seat after my little cat nap. My mind was racing it went straight to my dad, he's going to kill me if he found out. I'm so dead

After awhile of thinking what will happen to me which seemed like a while and girl with short blonde hair walked in the door with....

The principle...

Mr. Makarov...

I sighed this is where it began. The nurse ran up to the blonde girl who seemed like was crying for hours. Even if she didn't look like her best at the moment she still looked

"sweetie what's wrong are you okay!?" the nurse just started asking questions. All Blondie did was nod. "lay down and get some rest honey" once again she nodded.

I didn't notice Mr. Makarov in front of me I was paying more attention to Blondie. "excuse me Dragneel" my head turned towards him "yes sir?"

"I know how your father can be I will let you off the hook this time any other funny business and I'll tell him everything understand?" Makarov said "yes sir I understand" with that he took his leave.

"honey rest some more you'll feel better" the nurse said to me "yes ma'am"

Lucy's pov

Oh my god. What happened to the most popular guy at school face? I mean he still looks good. But is he okay? I want to ask but I'm too nervous.

I wonder if I should just worry about myself. "hey you okay?" I feel like he caught me staring at him so I guess he said something..

I just nodded "I'm just tired" I started to say "tired of life" I finished "I know what you mean" it didn't take him long to answer.

"so what's troubling you?" he asked "many things" as in Coco..

Natsu's pov

"you got it easy..." I heard her say "what do you mean?" I asked "boys have it easy they don't have to worry about other people" I just managed to nod I guess. "uh.. Yeah"

"hey" I just started to say "hmm?" she hummed as a response. "why don't we switch" I said very unsure about what o just said then suddenly she said..

"you'll be me..." she started "...and I'll be you" I finished her

We both just kind of laughed then I heard the nurse say something..

"ooh goody a switch a roo!" then she just started saying random words I didn't really quit understand. Next thing I knew I was out cold...

Lucy's pov

I woke up feeling like I slept for hours. But once I sat up I had this huge head ache and my nose felt like I got punched or something.

I looked over towards Natsu the popular guy. But I didn't see him what I saw was..


I saw myself sleeping how is that possible? Am I still dreaming? I pitched myself to wake up but nope I'm wide awake.

I got up from where I was sitting. And walked over to uh me. And poked myself to wake up. I kept poking but I just wouldn't wake up.

"wake up!" I yelled in my ear wow that must of hurt lol. "huh?" I saw myself rub my eyes then I said "why am I looking up at myself?" I'm guessing Natsu is in my body which is weird.

We both walked over to a mirror and took a look at ourself. "Woah this is weird" Natsu said "I know right how do we uh get back to normal" he shook his head or uh my head.

"how did we even switch bodies?" I shrugged "I dunno" I manage to say.

Natsu's pov

Next thing I knew she was crying. I haven't seen myself cry before "what if we never turn back to normal??" what do I do when a girl cry's?

I'll uh just comfort her "hey uh Blondie it'll be okay we'll figure something out I promise" I said hugging her or myself I guess. "o-okay and my name is Lucy"

Wow what a beautiful name it sounds like Luigi "okay so I guess that mean you have to go home with my dad and I have to go with your mom" I said "what's does your moms car look like Luigi?"

She just looked at me "it's Lucy" she said even with my voice I sounded pretty scary. "it's a small blue car" I nodded "my dad's car is a truck and it's black"

"so Luce do you have anything planned this weekend?" she sighed "how hard is it to say Lucy? And no" I smiled "can't I call you Luce? My little nickname for you"

She giggled wow uh I just heard myself giggle "yeah sure" she's not going to last a day at my house if she giggles "hey uh when your at my house try to act tough... Not to much like a girl.. " she just nodded.

Oh great I have basketball practice this weekend damn it! "Luce what ever you do don't go do basketball practice!" she just looked at me "and how would I pull that off?" damn I've never missed a game nor a practice "idk pretend your sick"

She nodded "alright" she said "well anything you want to say for me?" she nodded "don't go to Lisanna's birthday party" huh? If that's her friend why wouldn't she go? I don't want to be a chick sleep over anyways "okay"

"by the way don't go to Gray's party either we are best friends but he got into a little fight no biggie" She smiled "alright" I wonder if I should warn her about my dad?

Lucy's pov

I've been holding bit... Actually for a while now and I feel so embarrassed that I'm going to say this but... I can't hold it anymore..

"u-um Natsu?" I stuttered "yeah?" wow this is really embarrassing to say I think my or his faced turn red.. "I have to the bathroom" he got up and gently pushed me towards the restroom.

"but how do I uh go?" I felt like my face was redder then ever and so was his he felt weird about this too "just uh.. "

Well that's where I stop for today hoped you liked it how its not too boring! But as always..

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Lol I'll try to update on my other books too I'll do my best but thanks for reading
_keytolucesheart_ out!

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