I can not give you many things,
It pains me to say.
I can not hand over my will to speak,
I simply can not just sit still,
and ignore,
What people want me to ignore.Nor can I just be a pretty face;
I can not give you gleaming eyes,
Or soft, fragrant hair,
Or the perfect outfit.
I can not braid my hair
like the others do,
I am unable to laugh,
And giggle unconditionally,
At whatever you want.
I am not the beauty you desire,
Or the obedient girl,
Society desires.
I am me, and no matter how hard,
You try, or I try,
I just can't change being me.I can not give you
What you feel is right,
I can not hide my true self,
For society that continues to stare on,
Wondering who's more mad;
The girl who is 'eccentric',
'undesirable' 'putrid'
or you;
A man who can't control her,
Who can not defend her,
A man who can not claim her.
I can not stop trying to be me,
And it is sad
That I can not achieve the perfection,
You want
And the world wants.I feel pain,
I feel sadness, sorrow, loneliness
Grief, stress.
I can not 'play' dumb;
I know that the world is round,
I know my history,
The world wars, the Boer Wars,
All the wars you can count.
I know sciences, literature, math,
Whatever you can name.
But why?
Why is it that I am supposed
to play the role
Of being feeble and meek?
To depend on you for everything?Yes, sadly I can not give you
many things,
But what I can give,
What I can be,
Is your most loyal friend,
Who will shelter you from despair,
I can be your shield
And protect you
From those who wish you harm,
You always have my shoulder
To cry on when the burden
is just too great,
I can help you realize
Popularity, perfection, society?
Its meaningless.
It means nothing,
It means nothing to me.
I love you the way you are,
Just as you love me the way I am.
And no label could describe our love.
I am not your girl
Just as you are not
My man.
We are as equal as our devotion.I fear I can not give many things,
What I can give,
Are my dreams and emotions,
My heart and its desires,
And my devotion, to you.
Iman Ahmed
IMANTHEAWESOME7Friday, 22th September 2017
Poems of Tomorrow
PoeziePoems are entire stories, adventures, emotions and excitement compressed into one meaningful rhythm. These are poems that describe the everyday lives we live, and also the wildest adventures of both our imagination and in reality. THIS IS ©imanthe...