Chapter 1

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Author's Note

The above picture is what I image Bepo to look like as a girl but with a bit darker shade of purple for her eyes. I've always wondered how Bepo can talk so I decided to write a story about it. Now onto the story and I'd appreciate it if i got reviews on whether or not i should continue the story.

Third Person POV

At a certain mansion located on a pretty festive island a lone woman sat staring at a collection of gems and expensive jewelry. The woman took a sip from the glass that contained red wine as her eyes kept skimming over her collection. The sound of a door opening fills the room as a man dressed in a butler outfit walks in.

"You called my lady?" The man asks as he bows to the woman.

"Carl I have a job for you." The woman says not even sparing a quick glance at the man. "I need you to find that monster and bring it back here."

"My lady may I ask why of all times? It's been at least fifteen years since we discarded that piece of trash." Carl says standing up from his bow.

"A marriage proposal has come in; the man says that if I get that thing to marry his son he'll give me full access to his wealth which is a lot." The woman says before finally turning towards the man but only to glare at him. "Carl go; I expect you to be back within a month."

"I'll get right on it my lady." Carl says before bowing again and walking out of the room. The door softly clicks shut behind him and the woman turns back to look at the collection.

On an Approaching Ship that's Heading towards the Docks on the Island

Bepo POV

I walk onto deck to find us approaching land and I inform the crew so they can start getting ready to dock. I walk back inside to inform Law that we'll be docking in a bit and I find him in his office. He's sitting behind the desk and stares at a newspaper intently as he takes in everything he can.

"Captain we've reached land and I have the crew already starting to prepare everything." I say and Law looks up at me.

"Good job Bepo; I'll be up there in a bit." Law says and I nod my head before heading back to the deck. Once I walk onto the deck I find us gliding into port and the crew quickly but still professionally dock us. I hear footsteps coming this way just as the men finish everything and a second later Law walks out of the hall.

"Men we have three days here to wait for the pose to set. Don't cause trouble or else I'll do the same thing as last time." Law says and everyone shivers at the thought of what happened last time. "Now go have fun." Law says and with a cheer the men rush off the ship and into town. I follow behind the group at a slower pace and when I enter the somewhat familiar town I notice that decorations were lined everywhere. Street performers littered the road and dancers danced to the music some of the performers produced.

I quickly walked into a nearby café and went right to the washroom. Locking the door behind me I turned myself back to human and I change out of the jumpsuit I had on earlier. I was now wearing a lavender tank top with black ripped jeans and I put my hair in a quick ponytail. I place the jumpsuit into a black duffle bag and throw the duffle bag on. I slip out of the bathroom and back onto the streets. I walk through the streets when the sound of an upbeat song caught my attention. I followed the sound to the town center where a group of people were dancing. A group of people were playing instruments to the side while some girls danced around.

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