A Little Extra

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Author's Note

So here's an extra little chapter and I'm warning you it's a Lemon. It's also my first attempt at a lemon so I apologize if it sucks. It probably doesn't really help that I'm basing this from other lemons I've read since I'm still a virgin and proud of that fact. Sorry you probably didn't need to know that.


"Law are you up?" A soft voice asks as it taps against my door. I let out a quiet grumble before standing up and walking over to the door. I open the door to reveal a white haired girl with purple eyes standing there in only a skimpy grey night gown that barely went halfway down her thighs.

"Come in Bepo; can I help you with something?" I ask as I close the door behind her after she's stepped into the room. I keep my eyes on her uncertain what she could possibly need at this time of the night. Before I can process what's going on her lips are pressed onto mine; I stand there in shock before closing my eyes and melting into the kiss. I wrap my arms around her to pull her closer to me while she wraps hers around my neck. I slowly start taking small steps directing her towards the bed and just before we hit the bed I move my hands to her hips. We fall on top of the bed and in the process break the kiss. I stare into her lovely purple hues before kissing her again passionately. I lick the bottom of her lip asking for permission which she grants me right away. I slip my tongue into her mouth where we start fighting for dominance.

After some time I win and start exploring every inch of her mouth. After some time we break apart for air and I find that we're both panting really heavily. Her hands start running up and down my bare torso while I start kissing her neck. A moan escapes her lips when I find her sweet spot and I gently bite down on it before sucking it which causes another moan to escape her lips. With each moan she lets out I can feel myself getting harder and harder. I give her a quick kiss on her lips before pulling off her night gown to reveal the light blue lace undergarments she's wearing. I pull her up and sit down on the bed edge with her on my lap. I kiss her on the lips again while unclipping her bra hook. She slides off the bra without a hesitation before throwing it somewhere in the room and I lay her flat on the bed again. I slip off her underwear and I go in for another kiss but she stops me. I pull back a bit looking at her confused when suddenly I feel her hands at the rim of my pants. She starts to pull them down but I quickly take over and discard both my pants and boxers in a second before going back to kiss her.

I grab one of her boobs and start playing around with the nipple which causes more moans to escape her. I remove my lips from hers before trailing light kisses down to her other boob where I take that nipple into my mouth. I start licking and sucking it which causes even more moans to escape her mouth. After a bit I switch nipples so I'm giving the same treatment to the other one. I move my free hand down to her thighs which I start rubbing softly and more moans escape her. I slide my hand up towards her entrance and when I reach it I slip one finger into her. My finger becomes wet with her slick substance and I start pumping it back in forward before entering a second finger. I watch her as I start a scissoring motion and louder moans escape her plush lips. I feel something suddenly touch me and I can't help but let out a moan. I look down to find Bepo's hand around me and she slowly starts moving her hand. She slowly increases the speed and moans start escaping my mouth.

Suddenly I find myself lying on my back on the bed and Bepo has her head near my member. I watch her curious as to what she's gonna do when suddenly she licks my tip. I can't help the shiver that runs through me or the moan that escapes my lips. She keeps licking me for a bit before she puts me fully into her mouth. I feel her suck on me and I let out a loud moan since it feels so good. She sucks another time getting the same reaction before she slowly starts bobbing her head at a slow pace. Slowly she speeds it up and moans escape my lips left and right. I start moving my hips in time with her and I grab the back of her head making her go faster. I feel myself coming and I let out a moan that contains her name as I cum into her mouth. She slowly releases me before swallowing the mouthful she got and I flip her over before positioning myself at her entrance.

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