Chapter 3 - The Past

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-Flashback Fifteen Years Ago-


"You're a monster, a monster." The second monster was emphasized and I couldn't help but flinch. "Just get out of here you worthless piece of shit. Go be someone else's problem for once and never come back. I never should've gotten someone like you but what'd you expect from a worthless man like him." Venom laced the voice as it continued on. "Get the fuck out of here brat and go die in an alleyway for all I care." I reached my small hands out towards the person who was glaring at me. My hands were slapped away and before I could do anything else I was kicked out the door into the pouring rain. The door slammed shut in front of me as the rain soaked me to my core. I sat there a bit in shock before I shakenly stood on my feet. There was no possible way to change their mind I thought still looking at the door before turning around and slowly making my way away from that door, that house, that person, and that life.

Six days after the incident and endless walking I found another home; one that wouldn't kick me out because of what or who I was. I had been walking through rain again on that day when I had accidently bumped into something. When I looked up I found out that it was a someone instead of a something. It was a big burly man who had taken me back with him and by then I didn't care. The things that they had said had finally been starting to take a toll on my mental state and it didn't help that I had been walking for six days straight in rain with little or no food. I had no strength and part way to where ever he was taking me I passed out.

When I woke up I found myself in a bed with the man sitting on a chair beside it. I found out that his name was Haruki and that he lived out in the forest in this huge tree house he made. He nursed me back to health and I ended up staying with him. He welcomed me with open arms since it got pretty lonely in the middle of a forest no one would really enter since the wild animals were pretty bad. I soon became accustomed to this life style and Haruki taught me everything he knew. He taught me everything from surviving in the wild, navigation, and even fighting skills such as martial arts and Haki use.

I was now twelve and making my way back to the tree house with some groceries. We do get most of our food from the forest around us but somethings we have to buy since they either don't grow in the area or we don't have the proper equipment to make them. I jump back and a tiger goes hurtling past through the spot I was just standing in. I let out a sigh and roll my eyes in annoyance. I ignore the tiger and continue on my way. I reach the main tree the house is situated on and I easily climb up. I place everything in its rightful place before I head to my room. Half way to my room I hear voices on the ground. I recognize one as Haruki but I can't recognize the other one and I can smell another person besides the one speaking. I move over to the edge and look down to see three people standing below. One was Haruki while the other one was an older male who was wearing feathers and a lot of makeup. The last person appeared to be a boy around the same age as me and he wore a white hat that had spots on it. I noticed some white spots on him as well and I can smell some amber lead mixed with his scent.

"Let's head up and get you guys something to eat." Haruki says and the boy tilts his head in confusion.

"Up?" He asks confused and Haruki points up to the house along with the other man. The boy's eyes widen at the sight in front of him and I remember feeling the exact same way. "Man that's pretty cool." The boy says scanning the house when his eyes land on me. "What's that?" He asks pointing at me and the other two look up towards me. I give them a small wave and head over to the kitchen.

"I'll introduce you guys when we get up there." I hear Haruki say as I walk to the kitchen. I change my form and immediately get started on making something quick to eat. When I finish I place the food on plates before setting the plates on the table. I only made up three plates since I wasn't hungry and I cleaned up the mess I had made. I change back when I was completely finished and I start heading over to our weapons room since when I was making food I noticed we were getting low on a couple of things. We need to restock on a couple of spices that are extremely easy to find and we need some that are located deeper into the forest which harbors the more dangerous animals. I reach the door when I hear the footsteps of the others on the floor heading towards the kitchen.

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