Chapter 4 - The Past Part 2

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I rub my eye as I slowly stirred to the sounds of birds chirping. I sit up straight and a blanket falls off my shoulders. I look at it questionably before turning to look at Cora who was still asleep with a blanket wrapped around him as well. I look at the information we've got so far and I couldn't help grumbling. I let out a sigh and reached for another book so I could get back to work when I noticed a neat pile of books sitting across the table from me slightly to the left. I grab the piece of paper that was sitting on top of them and read it over. My eyes widen in surprise.

"What do you have their Law?" I hear Cora ask and I look over at him to see him rubbing his eyes. Without saying anything I hand the sheet over to him and I see his eyes widen when he reads it over.

"This is all information on the Amber Lead Syndrome and the writing goes onto the back of the page as well." Cora says with surprise lacing his voice.

"Yeah and it says 'I've been through all these books'. I found it on top of this pile of books." I say pointing to the pile of books which contained about twelve of them.

"I'm grateful to whoever did this and man can they ever work quick." Cora says and I nod in agreement. We barely got through ten books yesterday while they got through twelve in a couple of hours. I spot something on the table near the book pile and I pick it up.

"It's a piece of white fur." I say quietly in surprise. It must've been Bepo then but why would Bepo help us. I put the fur back on the table and Haruki walks into the room.

"Breakfast's ready;" Haruki says and we head over to the kitchen. Food has once again been placed neatly out onto the table and there was only three plates again. I sit down where I was sitting yesterday before digging right into the food. It was delicious just like the meal yesterday. After I finish eating I decide to ask Haruki a question.

"Hey Haruki where's Bepo?" I ask and Haruki finishes his mouthful of food before replying.

"He said something about making a trip into town this morning. I'm pretty sure he's already gone since I told him he could go after doing his chores and he only had two of them today." Haruki says.

"Is that a good idea? He is a talking polar bear." I say and Haruki shrugs.

"He's never had a problem with it." Haruki says.

"Oh okay. Thanks for the meal now if you'll please excuse me." I say before getting up and heading back to the living room. I pick up a book and start reading through it.



I slowly walked through the forest making sure I wouldn't drop my stuff. I carefully walk into the clearing and for once I walk over towards the set of stairs we have to get up to the house. I slowly ascend the stairs making sure the pile I was carrying wouldn't tip and I quickly switched the pile to one hand for a second so I could open the door. I held the door open with my foot as I transitioned the pile into both my hands again. I slowly maneuver through the doorway and I walk towards the living room. As soon as I was beside the table I gently set the pile on the floor and when I straightened up I found Law staring at me in surprise.

"I got all the medical books and anything that might possibly contain information about the Amber Lead Syndrome. We've got a pile to go through so we better get working." I say as I sit down across from him and grabbing a piece of paper. I grab a pen and book as well before getting right to work. We sit in silence for a while as we went through books writing down anything that might help.

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