Chapter 2

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It had been 3 weeks since I had come back to the hidden leaf valley and I have fit back in the hidden leaf valley pretty well. I had moved into the house Tsunade had put me in and Kakashi and I had started to get on really well. I had started to grow feeling for Kakashi I just hope that he has the same feelings as I do. I finally had feelings for someone and was getting close to someone. “Rin? You ok?” Kakashi asked “Oh, yeah just thinking” I replied smiling. “Ok, if you’re sure. Hey can I talk to you for a second?” Kakashi asked. “Yeah sure” I replied as Kakashi and I walked away from the group and further into the forest, when they were deep enough I turned to Kakashi to find him staring at me. “So what did you want to talk about?” I asked. “Um… well it’s just that I was wondering…” Kakashi started “Go on” I replied signalling for him to continue. “Well, I was wondering… would you be my girlfriend?” Kakashi asked. “I’d love to” I replied smiling. Kakashi took two strides forward and pressed me against a tree pulling down his mask and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back with as much passion as he did. My hands slide into his silver hair tugging on the ends lightly while his hands moved down and held my butt before he slide one hand to my thigh before moving my leg around his waist. I put my other leg around his waist while he rocked his hips into me causing me to mewl into his ear while he trailed kisses down my neck stopping on spots of flesh to bit on them leaving small love bites. I rested my head against the tree and arched my back into him. “God I love you… so much” Kakashi mumbled into my neck. “I love you too” I muttered back…

Kakashi and I had been dating for a month and it was amazing. Finally there was someone who loved me. “Rin, I have something for you” Kakashi’s voice floated in through my thoughts. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at him confused. Kakashi pasted me a black velvet box, I looked down at it puzzled. “Open it” Kakashi motioned for me to open it. I slowly opened the lid to reveal a necklace with a blue heart.

“It’s beautiful” I breathed. “Not as beautiful as you” Kakashi replied “Thank you” I smiled before tip toeing to kiss him. We broke apart for air “Do you want me to put it on for you?” he asked. “Yes please” I smiled before turning around and pulling my hair out of the way. Kakashi finished doing it up before he circled his arms around my waist as I rested my head back against his chest. “Come with me” Kakashi whispered biting my earlobe gently. I giggled lightly before taking his hand and following him through the forest and back to Kakashi’s house. He led me inside and up to his bedroom before closing the door and slamming me against it our lips joined in a passionate kiss. Kakashi’s hands slide under my shirt and unhooked my bra quickly let it drop to the floor. Kakashi’s hands slid to my breasts and massaged them gently causing me to mewl loudly. I giggled lightly as a felt Kakashi’s bulge press against my thigh. My hands travelled to his shirt and, with shaking hands, unbuttoned it letting it gently fall to the ground beside my bra. I let my fingertips gently trace over his hard abs causing him to shudder and groan. We kept undressing each other until we both stood naked.

Kakashi led me over to his bed. Slowly he sat on the bed pulling me beside him without breaking the kiss. Kakashi reached over into the draw and pulled out a condom and a bottle of lube. I watched as he quickly ripped open the condom packet and put it on before coating it in lube. He coated his fingers as well before lying me down against the mattress and pressing one finger into me causing me to cry out in pain. Kakashi immediately stopped. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked concerned I shoke my head and he continued. Slowly he entered another finger and scissored them inside me. He removed his fingers causing me to whimper in complaint. Kakashi sat up before pulling me into his lap so we were face to face before slowly thrusting into me. My hands went into his hair and tugged at it causing him to groan. A tear slide down my face “Shh its ok baby it will get better” Kakashi cooed as he kissed away the tears. He was right soon after the pain turned to pleasure and we both rocked our hips together. Kakashi quickly rolled us over so I was lying underneath him while he thrust into me. I let my head fall back against the pillow and arch my back up into his chest letting him go deeper. Soon we were both panting and it wasn’t long after that we both reached our climaxes screaming each other’s names before Kakashi collapsed on top of me. I let my arms circle around him as we held each other close before Kakashi moved over so that he lay next to me. Kakashi’s arms slid around my waist pulling me into him, I lay my head on his chest while our legs tangled together. “I love you” Kakashi whispered before kissing my hair. “I love you too” I replied before moving slightly to join our lips together quickly before the two of us fell asleep.

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