Episode 83: Revelation

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Ten years ago...

Young Shiro was playing with a toy sword. He swung it around and almost hit Toka, who was eleven years old.

"If you hit me, I'm going to tell Mom" Toka told him.

"Alright Neesan, I'll go over here and practice" Shiro said, moving across the room to play with his toy sword. Toka watched him.

"Why are you swinging that?"

"I'm practicing my sword skills" Shiro replied.

"Sword skills? Why?"

"It's fun. Want to fight me?"

"I'm a girl! Why would I sword fight with you?"

"I don't know...it could be fun."

"Fun? Shiro, do you know what a sword does? It's bad! It hurts people!" Toka exclaimed. Shiro looked away.

"It hurts people, but it could hurt bad people. I want to hurt bad people!" Shiro told her. Toka looked shocked.

"I guess that's alright, but I think hurting people is bad. That's what Mom says anyways." Shiro looked at her.

"If anyone tried to hurt Neesan, then I will hurt them a lot!" Shiro told her. She blushed.

"Thanks. I love you, little bro" she said smiling, back. Shiro tried to smile back, but a flood of memories entered his mind, causing him to pass out. "No! Mom! Help!"

Aug. 7th, 2004

A young boy who resembled Shiro and a young girl who resembled Mitsuki were playing with each other at a playground. Mitsuki hopped on the swings.

"Hey boy, can you push me?" young Mitsuki asked.

"Uh sure" young Shiro replied. He ran up to the swing set and pushed Mitsuki. She gained momentum with each push until she reached a max speed.

"Weeeee! This is fun!" Mitsuki exclaimed. When she slowed down, she jumped off the swing. She fell down to the ground and Shiro ran up to her.

"Are you alright?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" the young Mitsuki replied. looking up at Shiro. He had his hand reached out to her. She blushed and accepted his gesture.

"Hi I'm Shiro."

"I'm Mitsuki. Can I call you Oniichan?"

"Umm, I guess."

"Thanks Oniichan!"

Sept. 7th, 2004

Kanade and another girl were locked in a storage room. They were both very young. A masked man looked at them, smiling

"I'm going to get so much money off of you girls, so just stay still and you'll be fine" the man said. The man heard a knock from the door to the room soon after. The man went to check it out and it was the police.

"Dammit" the man cursed. The police arrested the man and a young Shiro entered the room. He untied the girls.

"Thank you, I..." the young Kanade began to say, but she stopped when she looked into Shiro's eyes.

"Sorry I got to go" young Shiro said before leaving the storage room.

Oct. 7th, 2004

"But Mom, I swear I saw bad people outside" young Mikasa cried.

"It's okay, your father will protect us" her mom assured her.

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