Chapter 3

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"Its over Genevieve, countless times I gave you a chance. The distant footsteps, the light and scary whispers, all me warning you, telling you to leave" he said. Slowly and agonizingly he sunk the jagged ,rusted knife into my lower stomach area where my appendix lay. I wept in pain, crying out loud, yelling screaming as the cruel boy in front of me kept a small smirk. "Why!" I yelled tried to fight him away, my vision blurred and my chest got heavy. She looked up at him, whilst he pinned her against the wall. His eyes. His eyes were a dark, blood curdling red, almost black if caught at the right angle. His face was well sculpted, he wasn't something of this world, the living world. "You're a monster!" I cried, trying to force the knife out but he was too strong. "I am more than a monster, I am you're nightmare" he laughed.

I breathed heavily, clutching onto the sheets as my eyes started to flutter open. The sun beaming down on me. I laid on my back looking through my ceiling. Why, why does this have to keep happening to me? Have I been bad? Have I done any wrongs? I can't take this anymore, mentally, physically. I dragged myself to the showers, reuniting myself with the blissful feeling of the soothing waters. I wasn't greeted by Sophia today, she was off. I got myself ready, doing less of what Sophia did. I walked down stairs, my eyes burning and probably bloodshot.
"You look awful" Anthony pointed out. "Thank you Anthony, as I didn't know already" I chuckled, stuffing my mouth with the breakfast the chef's prepared. "Aw honey" my mother started, "fix yourself up, you still have rehearsals" she finished. Part of me thought she was actually going to be sympathetic and let me miss it or something. I obliged and redid my hair and fixed myself up. I came down a few minutes later, ruffling out the wrinkles. "Alright, the car is waiting for you outside" her mother smiled. "Thank you mother, see you soon" I said kissing her cheek and walking out to the car. I stepped into the car, sighing. "Rough day?" The driver asked, I let out a chuckle. "By the looks of it, it will be more than rough. I have to go to rehearsals for this stupid grand ball" I mocked, "You do not desire to go? You don't wish to be there in Prince Jack's presence, and maybe a chance at marrying him?" He asked, like it was so foreign. "No, unlike lots of these women I don't wish to throw myself at him nor become star struck by his mere presence. He is nothing but a man" I scoffed. "Don't talk about him like that, for all you know he could be very kind hearted, and maybe even gentle" the man countered. "Well, I have never met the boy " I emphasized then continued, "nor seen him. So my thoughts may be clouded with false stories or rumors, but you know what they, say rumors are always half of the truth" I replied bluntly. "I guess you are right" the man chuckled. Little did she know, who this man was.
"Thank you" I said stepping out the car, the cold bitter winds nibbling at my skin. I walked into the room, taking in the sights ahead. Everyone was separated, by gender. "Ah, Miss Logan, take a seat to the left. We are teaching the women how to properly, groom and apply the correct makeup" she said as I scoffed aloud accidentally. She scolded me and I sat down. Today she had an assistant, a very young one at that -beautiful as well. "Okay, so I understand you guys-and me- are attending the ball" she started eagerly and cheerfully "So we are gonna go over the routine for a perfect look" she finished proudly. "Now, pick some colors or styles you want for the grand ball event" I picked natural colors, and smokey looking shades of black. I listened partially, looking over her shoulder for Sam. As expected, I did terrible. Sam looked over and chuckled at me, I shook my head and sent him a playful glare. "Pay attention Genevieve, your makeup is awful. Take the wipes and start over" The girl spat. I rolled my eyes, and did as she told. I liked playing with the makeup, but I'm not a fan if wearing it. "I'll show you" the teen said. "She showed me the brushes to use and how to apply them. She did half of my makeup and let me do the other half. I actually liked the outcome, she took away my natural colors and gave me warm colors.

"Now due to the war over in Europe, The King will be leaving therefore the Prince's ball is being moved up. So dress your best because this is our last practice" the instructor said sadly, like everyone would be dreading not being able to come up here and give a shit. I smiled to myself, and looked over at Sam. I still wanted to be his friend, so even if we still had to come I wanted to meet him up here. He was fun, different. I left the makeup on, so I could go home and take a closer look.
"Sam!" I called before he walked out. He looked up at me and smiled, stopping at the door. "Hey Gen" he smiled, "Hey" I paused, returning the smile. "What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked, mentally scolding myself for the stupid question. "To the ball?" He said confused before laughing. "You know what I meant" I said rolling my eyes playfully. It was always pointless for boys to go to the royal balls, one because you aren't trying to catch the Prince's eye are you? Two because "getting in the way of the princes women" isn't tolerated and three because no one will pay attention to you. I guess my reasons aren't valid to others. Most of them do go to catch the attention of a lady, hoping to have a wealthy girl fall for him. Such gold diggers. "Well, nothing -not considering the ball" he said. "Good, we should hang out soon" I suggested, praying he didn't say no. "Yeah sure, where should we meet?" He asked, a smiled played upon his lips. "Here" I stated simply. I wish I could give him my phone number, but according to King Asshol.e we aren't allowed to have phone because we could be planning secret rebellions. "Okay, see you soon" he winked walking away. I giggled and started to walk towards the front of the studio, where I was to be picked up. "Excuse me?" A man said startling me, soon I realized it was the man from earlier. "Jesus, you startled me, do you need anything?" I asked chuckling. "Tomorrow at the ball, you will be escorted to the chambers. Someone wishes to speak with you" he said sternly, I don't know if it was because I was in trouble for what I said earlier or if it was just his tone of voice.
"M-Me?" I asked, baffled. "Yes, be there at eight o'clock sharp" he spoke before walking away swiftly.
I stood there confused, afraid as well. What am I needed for?
I took a cab home, pondering in what I was needed for a why me?
Please don't be for the reason I think it is, so many other girls can have this. Girls that actually want this. I went home greeted my parents, my mother pleased by my makeup and color choices. "It really suits you Genny" my mother said, licking her thumb and placing it on my cheek fixing a smudge. "Moom" I groaned swatting at her hand. She chuckled, as my father commented. "I think you look way more beautiful without it sweetie" he assured. I smiled, I was always naturally a daddy's girl. He kept me under his wing, I had a really good connection with my father. I wanted to do sports and such but my mother wasn't having it. She stripped me from my cleats and tennis shoes just to add, heels and flats. Especially since in this era, professional sports kind of burned out, no more heroes and legends. I've only heard of some of them, many are long gone or in hiding. So, I am basically my mothers chance at a better life, even though my grand mother already ensured us that. It was still not enough for my mother. Sometimes it made me sad at his selfish she could be and just keep using "its for your future" as an excuse. All in all I still love her, she's my mother. Everyone had s hate-love relationship with their mothers at some point. "Alright well, I am going to lie down" I said excusing myself and leaving. I didn't bother telling my mother about the incident with the man, I couldn't deal with her nailing me with questions and pampering me. Yes she was aware of the ball being moved up but not of the man. I went up to be greeted by Sophia. "I thought you were off?" I smiled. "I came back early, because if the ball being moved up" she cheered. I snorted playfully and fell back into my bed purposely. "Sophia" I called. "Yes?" She responded. "What would you say if someone told you that you need to meet someone in the chambers at tomorrow's ball?" I asked. "I would do it, although I might not want what's to come. Its best" she said. I knew her answer was based off what my mom wants and why I should take it.
"I know, I just don't know about it. 'Know what I mean?" I said quickly. She rose one eyebrows and the corner of her mouth tilted up in a slight smile. I took it as a no. "Well what I mean is I know its for the best but I don't know if I should do it just for the satisfaction of my mother" I admitted. "Give it a try hun, surely it would be worth it" Sophia said. "Now go put thus facial cream and wraps on your face. You need your beauty rest" she winked, she kissed my forehead and walked out.
I did as told and stripped out my formal wear, going to wash my face. Once I finished I laid back in my bed, thinking and wondering what tomorrow will bring.

Why am i just now listening to firecracker tyga feat Jack and Jack ?!?!?

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