Chapter 4: Tie

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     The objective of the game is to shoot the clown face with the water as long as you can. The person with the highest bar at the end is the winner. And so the game begins. I look over at Faith, and give her a thumbs up. I see Faith send a warm smile back. Suddenly, the guy yells,"Start!" I immediately aim and start shooting at the clown, the water goes straight into the hole. I look over at the scoreboard to see someone's bar is at the same level as mine. I'm gunna stomp on that motherfuckers ass and get that damn fluffy panda. I looked over at Faith's I saw she wasn't even halfway there. The guy called time and declared a tie. "Number two and Number seven come and pick your prize!" I walked up to the man and saw a terrifyingly familiar face, Eric. "Can I have the Giant Panda?" THIS BITCH thinks he can get away with MY PANDA?! The guy running the stand gladly hands over the panda. I asked the guy, "Do you have another panda?" "Sorry Ma'am, that gentleman over there took the last one." Gentleman?! That guy is the biggest jackass! I turned toward Eric and motioned to the panda. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "You want this?" I noticed the sly smirk on his face. "Of course I want it! it's a Giant Fluffy Panda!" He lifts a finger to his chin, looks at the Panda and says, "Nahh, I asked for it first."

     Suddenly, Faith struts over to him and snatches the Panda from his grasp. She stands in front of me,"What are you going to with a Panda?", she asked in her most sassy tone. She hits my arm with it and I take it. Eric looks past Faith, at me, and says,"What, now you're going to have a tough girl fight your battles for you, lea." I noticed Faith's evergreen eyes green eyes turn a deep brown, almost black, "Excuse me?", anger filled her voice," Oh please, You haven't seen tough yet." I heard a low growl come from Faith,"You know you're the one picking on a girl younger than you, right? How pathetic is that?" "She should be old enough to handle herself by now but she obviously needs a babysitter.",He crossed his arms and slightly tilted his head to the left. "You know what?", she clenched her fists and took a step toward him, "Go fuck yourself.", She stormed away. I'm close to catching up with Faith, I can feel her anger hitting me in waves until she stops dead in her tracks, two steps before me. I stand in front of her and watch her pupils contract; eyes turning back to a blissful evergreen. She was completely, and utterly frozen.

Faith's pov

     I stormed away as fast as my legs could take me. My wolf was begging me to allow her presence to take place. I felt my claws digging into my sweaty palms. I was ready to explode. Out of nowhere, a beautiful scent tickled my nose, caused chills to run up my spine and forced my wolf to howl. I stopped dead in my tracts. I had one explanation for this. Mate. My Mate was here. I could feel him. My wolf was howling for him, she wanted control. She wanted to find him, now.

     I focused on Lea's face, I saw her visage go from worried to excited. Her eyes lit up as if she had an idea. "Oh my gosh, Faith, let's go do the obstacle course!", she pulled me by the wrist, toward the large obstacle course up ahead. Upon our arrival to the obstacle course I was extremely distracted, I wanted to look for him. Thank god there's no line. "Are you ready to lose?", I attempted to sound interested. Lea put her hands to her hips and responded with,"Hell to the no.", she shook her head and bolted toward the entrance. I noticed the smell getting stronger. I began the obstacle course with ease, swiftly dodging, jumping over and climbing everything it had to offer. I walked by Lea stuck in between two roller poles, as I passed by I tugged on her arm, forcing the roller poles to set her free. I continued through the obstacle course even faster than I originally begun with. Once I reached the end, I saw him, my mate. His hair was a deep, caramel brown and was messy as if he stress-fully ran his hand through his hair. He was tall, and oh boy, was he was hot. I glanced down his body to admire his beautiful, pale, olive skin tone only to look back up and stare into light, gray-blue eyes.

     Lea interrupted my staring and erupted out of the obstacle course, completely pushing me out of her way, onto him. Liam looks at me wide-eyed, turning beat red which caused a fair shade of pink to sprinkle among my cheeks. Breaking my train of thought, Lea begins dying of laughter. I pull myself up after awkwardly clearing my throat, lightly dusting my shorts off, I smirk. Shortly after I stand, he staggers into an upright position. He puts his hand on his neck which seems to be a nervous gesture.

      "I'm sorry, Dude, I'm Lea.", She stuck out her hand. "Hi, my name is Liam.", He shook her hand and turned to me,"What's your name?", he playfully smirked. "Faith.", I genuinely smiled; blushing ever so slightly.

     "Let's go get some ice cream, you're invited!", Lea stated, pointing to Liam. She happily ran towards the ice cream stand. Liam and I strolled to the ice cream line. "So, Faith, what's your favorite type of ice cream?", he asked, shifting to face me. "Mint Chocolate Chip.", My eyes lit up as I talked about the glorious pastel green luxury. "Mine is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.", he said with a charming smile. "You can never go wrong with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.", I replied. Once it was our turn in line, the cashier at the stand ask Liam for his order. "Three scoops of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, please." The cashier glanced over at me, slighter cocking an eyebrow,"And for your girlfriend?" I immediately blushed, "Two scoops of Mint Chocolate Ship, uh, I mean, Chip." I said shyly. My blush grew darker considering I just embarrassed the shit out of myself.

     He turned around to begin scooping our ice cream into nicely decorated cups."Girlfriend?" Liam raised his brow with a mischievous glint in his eyes. My blush transitioned into what I think was a dark plum shade. I held both of his hands with mine, pulling him closer, enjoying the electrifying air between us. "Nahh, I'm your long lost cousin." I rolled my eyes and playfully smiled. Liam put his thumb on his chin in a pseudo-thinking position,"I think I like girlfriend better.", he winked at me and put his arm over my shoulders.

     Lea looped her arm through mine, licking her rainbow ice cream, "Since when are you two so buddy-buddy?", she raised and lowered her eyebrows indicating dirty thoughts. Liam squeezed my shoulders, "Since I realized how pretty she was.", he looked at me adoringly. I felt butterflies in my stomach, blending with the tingling sensation on my shoulders. 

      A familiar scent caused my wolf to growl as chills ran up my spine. Fuck.

Author's Note:

   The story is no longer hiatus, we will try to update as much as possible for the few readers who enjoy our work. We love you, BITCHES. 

-Waterbells & Kinnycandy

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