Sleep Tight

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(Iven POV)
Serry and I started dinner, they had so much food! Piles and piles of it stacked all in just three rooms, today we started with canned chicken, Serry fried it as she ordered me to get a big can of string beans.
After stumbling over other objects to grab it I could already smell the chicken.
I came back to Serry adding seasoning to our food, I opened the can and handed it to her, she got up to drain out the water from the beans, then getting some clean water to boil them.
When dinner was ready I sat next to Serry and ate, her parents thanked us for the meal as we all cleaned up.
Serry's mother put her hands over her mouth then started to whisper something to her husband.
"Jexen! I forgot we only have two beds! Where is Iven going to sleep?!"
Jexen walked up to me, Serry now with a confused look on her face.
"Iven... I think you are going to have to sleep with Serry tonight...."
Serry's jaw dropped
"WITH ME?! Nonononono!nuh uh! My bed! No guys allowed!"
I scratched the back of my neck
"Is there really no place else?" I asked, secretly hoping for no other place
Stop it! I don't have feelings for Serry! I need to shut myself up
"Not a thing" jexen said
"I hate you both..."
Serry huffed
"C'mon Iven, to bed I guess"
I followed Serry to her room, one bed and a desk stood in her room.
Luckily her bed was queen size, making it so we don't have to be so close.
Serry climbed into one side as I did the other, she faced away from me, I didn't bother saying goodnight seeing that she was pissed off already.
I lied there, having normal night thoughts. Asking impossible questions, thinking about the universe and the future...
I broke away from my thoughts when Serry started talking in her sleep. Mumbling something like... Don't leave me, you can't take him from me, I love him, let me go, I have to save him, and then she started crying... She snapped into alertness and sat up in bed panting. She looked at me.
"Nightmare?" I asked.
She nodded, "N-no..."
That made sense.
She put her head down again. "I think... I saw into the future."
"What did you see?"
"I-I don't want to talk about it..."

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