Chapter 2 - Swear To Shake It Up

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Pete's POV

    I feel something hit the back of my head and I turn in my seat to see Brendon laughing at himself. I roll my eyes and pick up the paper ball he threw. Looking around to see if anyone is watching, I throw it back at him, my tongue stickin out in the process of concentration. It hits him right in the middle of his big ass forehead and he stops laughing. A smirk comes to my face and I turn back around in my seat.

I look around the room, examining who made it into my year without being held back or dropped. I see Gerard, sitting mainly quiet, at his desk scribbling in a notebook. Then there was Brendon of course, one of my closest friends since 1st grade. There was Mikey, new to the school but I know him from going to Gerard's house. Dang that Mikey is pretty good looking if I do say so myself. That jawline, and that hair with his glasses. Ugh. I spot Ryan, oh what was his last name... Ross, I think. I don't know him very well but Brendon's mentioned how Ryan is always staring at him. There was Hayley Williams, another fine looking person, and Lynn Gunn, who hangs around Hayley a lot. Then there's Spencer Smith, Frank Iero, Andy and Joe (another two of my good friends), Bob Bryar (who annoys me so much), Ray Toro, Taylor Jardine, and a bunch of other kids I haven't really bothered to get to know.

All I basically know is there's the classic groups. The "In Crowd" is what the popular type kids call themselves, which is kind of a fluent group. Some people join, but then others are strongly detested. Some are in the group just because they're really liked, and then there's the ones that are in just because they're snobby and boss people around so they seem like they're the alpha of the pack. Hayley's one of the nice ones that everyone likes, she's the one that attracts the classic jock guys, but she's not really into them. She mainly just sticks with Lynn, who is also in the popular group. She has this really feisty attitude, and I don't talk to her much, but she's like half and half. She's not really as sweet as Hayley, but she's not really mean. Then there's Alex and Jack, always messing around but still swooning the girls. They're seriously such idiots, but I can't help but be friends with them. There's other kids that come and go, but I don't really keep up with it all.

As for me and Brendon, and our little group of friends, we're kinda the awkward ones out. The trouble makers with a few stabilizers. We don't quite fit in with everyone else, but we match each other within our group perfectly. We're just kinda there, and some people notice us, but it's usually just because of something stupid Brendon did to get us in trouble. But it's alright, my friends are great, and who needs fame anyway. Fame < Infamy right.

Then there's a bunch of kids that have probably been in the same grade as me for a while now but I just never really got around to knowing.

I hear everyone getting settled in their seats, checking the time and noticing class will be starting soon. I get out my notebook, a pen and pencil, and act like I'm actually a good student. I mean I do try and get good grades, but it's really hard to focus in a class with Brendon Urie in it.

Noticing my pencil is broken, I reach back into my bag to get a new one, and while doing so, someone stumbles on my head, nearly flipping over me. I dart my head up, feeling myself bang the person in the jaw, then use my hands to steady the kid.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry." I quickly apologize. I look up to see a rather short boy with long sideburns and stunning blue eyes standing there trying to gather his earbuds and mp3 player, his round cheeks turning red as he looks to the floor.

"I-it's alright." He mumbles. He looks at me for a split second before turning away, then sitting in the seat across the break of seats down the middle, just to my right. I watch as he fumbles with his bag and stuffs his player and earbuds back into it, then pulling out a beaten up notebook and chewed pencil. He looks back at me, and I quickly dart my head away from my gaze.

Brendon throws something at my head again, making me turn around and give him a nasty look. His eyes gesture towards the new kid, then he raises his eyebrows and gives me a smirk. I feel my cheeks grow hot and I roll my eyes, turning back around in my seat. I glance over at the new kid again, noticing how even through his rounded cheeks, his cheek bones are rather pronounced.

"Pst. Hey." The new kid looks up after a few seconds. "I'm Pete by the way." I say, smiling.

"Patrick." He replies, a small smile coming to his face as well. He looks back at his notebook, then I whisper something again.

"Nice of you to drop in." I say with a smirk, gesturing to my head. He smiles awkwardly without speaking. "Oh, so you're using the minimal talking tactic. Making me do all the all the work now are you. Make me do all the in-action flirting. I see how it is." I joke, raising my eyebrows. He blushes, looking embarrassed, then opens his mouth to speak.

"N-no, it's not like that. I don't even like guys, er, well, uh..." He stutters. I continue staring at how adorable his cheeks are when they get all pink, silently laughing to myself.

"Yeah I got ya. But I'll tell you a secret now 'Trick, only a quarter of this classroom is straight." I say in a sly whisper. I look back at Brendon to see a suspicious smirk on his face. Patrick eases a little, then tries at a laugh. "You wanna come over after school?" I ask in all seriousness.

"Uh, yeah...okay." He replies, slightly unsure.

"Great." I return.

Damn, he's so interesting. Pretty cool kid, I'm really growing to like him. Not just "like as a friend" but you know...( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

Let's see if we can shake it up a little with a bit of Pete-Wentz-charm-of-the-gay.

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