I offend a slightly already pissed off Artemis

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Percy's POV:

The next morning I threw on black jeans and a black shirt. I felt dark so might as well dress like I feel. Man has Piper been rubbing off on you? Oh well. All the demigods had been summoned to Olympus for a party because we won the war. All of that meant nothing to me now. I shoved Riptide in my pocked angrily and walked out of my bedroom. Mom was up making pancakes and from what I could hear Paul was taking a shower.

"Percy your up!" She said in a chipper tone. I made you some blue pancakes for you. Eat quickly so you can catch a taxi on time. Oh and "

"Mom I'm fine. You act like it's my first time going to Olympus or something." Her smile fell and she walked over and cupped my face in her hands.

"Percy, everything will be fine. I know your hurt and upset but try to have a good time." I looked up at the clock.

"Aw shist I got to go." She pulled me into a quick hug. I breathed in her hazel nut scent and held her small frame.

"Be safe Percy, I love you." And with that I turned and trugged out the door into the wet drizzle out side.


"Would Perseus Jackson please step forward?"

"Yes lord Zeus?" I bowed to one knee.

"You have saved us all yet again, and I offer the gift of godhood to you, the savior of Olympus. I know you have declined in the past and if so we will grant you a wish as long as it is in our power to grant it."

You don't have Annabeth to worry about this time. And camp has been boring. You could still visit Mom. My thoughts were final.

" I accept the gift of godhood uncle."
Loud gasps were heard throughout the throne room. I guess they haven't heard the news. Annabeth, who had returned from Greece just for thus special occasion, looked down with tears in her eyes. Good. I thought. I hope she regrets what she did. I stood and looked at Zeus.

"Well Percy, in 3 days time we will have a coronation celebration in your honor and there you will become a god." Dad looked at with pride shining in his eyes but I looked down at my shoes.

"Thank you milord." I hastily walked over into the crowd and disappeared in to a small room just off the side of the throne room. At last some piece and quiet with out happy bubbly demigods. I thought bitterly. Maybe I spoke to soon. Artemis stood in the door way with a look of concern written on her face. She was in her 20 year old form, which is one she doesn't spend much time in.

"Percy why are you here and not out there with your fellow demigods celebrating?"

"Artemis, do you know what it's like to be loose someone so close to you?"

"Yes. Orion." I had never thought about Orion much. I guess she does know how I feel. By now she was standing in front of me I could reach reach out and touch her arm. I stared into her silver crescent pools and started to lean forward. She followed suit hesitantly. Our gazes fluttered from our eyes to out lips repeatedly as I leaned in more. Our lips brushed by, then met. She tasted like sweet sage and pine in the forest. I deepened the kiss but felt her lips stop moving. She drew back and her face held a look of murderous rage. What she did next surprised me but I guess I knew it was bound to happen. She slapped me. Hard.

"How dare you. how dare YOU! HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FITHLY HANDS ON ME. YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A DISGUSTING MAN. YOU ARE NOT DESERVING OF MY LOVE AND NEVER WILL BE!" she dissolved into a silver outlined shadow with the smell of the forest. Gosh dang it Percy! You screwed up big time. I know your upset and all emotionally about Annabeth, but you didn't need to go and kiss a MAIDEN GODDESS!!!! My mind lectured. I stood there like an idiot in utter shock holding my cheek.

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