No Funny Buissness

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This chapter  is dedicated to @Reaper362 for guessing that I am Greek.

Percy's POV:

The party lasted for hours. I hastily ducked into the next room as soon as all eyes were taken off of me. I wa-no, needed to think. Artemis is gunna kill me! Relax. You'll be fine! Yeah right. Considering I already pissed her off the other day, well, I am dead. Slow down and sort out the pros and con's of the situation.
Pro: you get to see Thalia.
Con: you'll have to live with Thalia.
Pro: You don't have to go back to camp.
Con: not only will you be living with Thalia, but with a group of man hating teenagers who are bad ASStranaut, and could take you out any second.
Pro:you are a god and can go places.
Con:you have to stay with the hunt and deal with Artemis.
Could this situation get any worse?

"Yes Perseus it could." Startled, I jolted up from my spot on the marble floor. I looked up to see Apollo standing in the door way. I blinked. Apollo had read your thoughts. Should I be concerned?

"Apollo I would appreciate it if you restrained yourself from intruding on my thoughts."

"Percy you must know that I do not take the situation with men around my sister lightly."

Clearly he meant business since no jokes were present in his words. My mind quickly flashed to the story of Orion.  Some say that him and Artemis were just really really good friends, others say they were in love, and some rumors suggest they were going to elope. Apollo did not fancy this idea of a man with a maiden goddess, or with his sister as a matter of fact. So one day while Orion was far out walking on the sea, just visable as a blackish fuzz, Apollo taunted Artemis saying that he doubted she could hit that spot out there with her arrow. Artemis being the stubborn goddess she is, felt she needed to prove herself and shoot the dot. Which she did with flawless aim. Hours later his body washed ashore and she cried over him with such sorrow that she decided that she would hang him in the starts.

"Apollo, I understand and respect you, her, and her oath. You have nothing to worry about." Except the fact that you kissed her the other day. But that's not important I scolded myself.

"I just wanted to tell you goodnight Perce. I'm headed off to my palace, and I know you've been in this room for the entire party so I thought I'd drop by and check on you."

"Uh, thanks, I guess." He gave me a lopsided smile and turned and walked out of the room. Well that was interesting. He probably found out uh you kissed her stupid, I told my self. Well I just kissed her out of impulse, and because I.. I miss Annie. Gosh. It even hurts to think her name! The loud party music stops pulling me from my thoughts. The celebration was over and only the gods remained. Correction. The gods minus Aphrodite, Ares,and Dionysus. I don't even want to know what they're up to. I stood from my spot and entered into the littered throne room. My dad sauntered over to me.

"Son, I... I just wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you." His words were so full of pride and emotion that I rushed forward and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thanks Dad. Th-This means a lot to me." My voice cracked mid sentence as I tried not to cry. After all that happened it was such a relief to hear his approving words.

"Percy, I also wanted to let you know we are building you a palace, and you know who will be building it." He paused to see if I was following what he was meaning.

"I can get a different person to design it if you need." I wanted so badly to accept his offer, but I shouldn't take away someone's job just because of our...  history...if you could call it that.

"No dad, its OK. It's her job." He looked at me uneasily then patted my back.

"Good luck with... the hunt. He shuttered from the image of a man having to stay with a camp filled from man-hating women that are fully equipped with weapons. And they knew how to use them. Poseidon turned responding to his name being called across the room and walked away.

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