I Become a Dog- er God.

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This chapter is dedicated to @Bhavyakriti for guessing my age:12.

Percy's POV:

I must have looked like an idiot showing up to my coronation with a big bruise across my left cheek. Three words: Artemis. Slaps. Hard. I was nervous about what I would be the god of. I didn't want so much responsibility I couldn't live my life.

I opened the oversized throne room doors and Apollo started the Muses on a musical number. Looking from side to side I could see my mom. Weird, the gods must have gave her special permission to be on Olympus. Paul, all of Camp Half-Blood, some members from Camp Jupiter, my few nymph friends, satyrs and Chiron. It was funny seeing him just dressed in the top of a tux suit.

"Perseus, please step forward." Zeus commanded. I did so and knelt at his feet and bowed.


"Rise young hero, for after today you will no longer bow to the gods and goddesses, but you will join them as the 13th Olympian." I was stunned. Not even Hestia had a throne on Olympus but I would? That didn't feel right.

"We will proceed to make you a god.  "Ολυμπιονίκες , μαζί μου στο τελετουργικό κύκλο που μπορεί να κάνει ο Περσέας το 13ο Ολυμπίου !" Zeus chanted in ancient Greek. ("Olympians join me in the ceremonial circle that we might make Perseus the 13th Olympian!"

The 12 gods stood and shot me with many different colored beams of light. My head tilted to the sky and my body started levitating off of the ground. Suddenly my eyes shot open and were filled with a blinding white light  radiating from them. I was just barely conscious of a soft wispy light touch my fingertips and began to flow throughout my entire body, bathing me in a golden glow. Then my body, that was almost touching the ceiling, began to descend to the marble floor. The white light in my eyes faded away revealing an aw struck audience.   

"All hail Perseus Jackson the god of hurricanes, tides, seashores, loyalty, and..." Zeus flashed Artemis a worried glance and sighed. " And guardian of the hunt. "Murmurs rippled through the crowd.

"What!?" Artemis screeched. "How is this possible? He's MALE!" Zeus rubbed his face.

"I'm not sure daughter. Do I look like a Fate to you?"

"No, but we do." Three voices said in unison. There standing at the base of Artemis's throne stood three ancient looking women  in black cloaks. They spoke again.

"Perseus is to a company the hunt on their journeys, trials, and guard and assist them whenever help is needed."  Artemis shook her head and leaned back in her throne while turning red with rage. For the first time since the start of the meeting Dionysus spoke up.

"And on that happy note pass the champagne and let the celebration begin!"

"Dionysus, your restrictions." Zeus reminded him. I stood frozen in shock at the center of the throne room. Calm down Percy. Breathe. OK... So you're a god of the hunt...and the Fates just appeared to tell you your job...and you have to protect a camp full of man-hating women...no biggy. Right? I looked at Artemis who was already glaring at me. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

"I am so screwed."

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