Six: The Creatures

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The Creatures

Nathaniel said that walking back would be a stupid idea, which clearly makes sense since there are things in No Man's Land. So rather we got into his grey Mercedes Benz GT3 AMG. He has many cars, clearly due to his status.

I never fully understood why Alpha's have so much money, what could they possibly do that would generate so much money. – I'm assuming he's the Alpha of this Pack, he exudes power.

I hear a chuckle from the drivers' seat, "Hey! Stop reading my thoughts. How do you even do that?"

"I'm not exactly like you." He says, starting the car.

Not like me? I mean, fair, I didn't exactly see his as a wolf. However, if he's Alexander's brother he should be a wolf. I take a look at his caramel skin, clearly, he's his half-brother but how different could he possibly be?

I raise a curious brow, "What are you then?"

"I'm what you would call a Creature. I'm a witch-werewolf hybrid. I don't really use the witch in me, though. I've never really needed to. Nobody ever dares to try to fight me." He shrugs.

There was nothing cocky about his statement. He was honestly just stating facts. There wasn't a touch of supremacy in his tone.

"Is that why you can link me and read my thoughts?"

It would make a lot of sense, I would imagine that had something to do with the witch side. I wouldn't mind that, I mean, who hasn't ever wanted to read minds?

And if I could I could finally know what goes on in that mate of mines mind.

"I'm not completely sure why I can, I just know that I can. Only Creatures can."

I cautiously ask, "Are there's like, you know, more of you?"

This makes him chuckle, "You can say Creatures, y'know."

"It sounds mean."

Who came up with that? They are wolves too, with feelings and everything. 'Creatures' is clearly very insensitive.

He shrugs, "I'm used to it, I won't take offence. And yeah, there's more Creature's in No Man's Land perhaps about five."

"Can they make more?"

His turn is a bit sharp making me hold the dashboard but he doesn't even notice, "No. They don't have the power nor the genes to. They can't make any offspring."

"Oh... Hey, since Alexander is your brother, can he read minds?"

Nathaniel laughed, he had a really beautiful laugh, "No. He can't."

I nodded. Obviously, Nate got that from his mother then. Since I'm assuming they have different mothers. If Nate exuded this Power, his father must be the same as Alexander's. Explaining why he could also be the Alpha of that Pack. Not to mention clearly he's older so he definitely has all it takes to be an Alpha. Halfblood or not.

"I can only link you or read your mind if I can see you. Maybe I could work on improving that though, we'll see how it goes the closer we get." He says and I nod.

I don't regret choosing Nathaniel to take me home at all, he was such a kind, gentle soul. I could definitely see us growing closer and being the best of friends. I'd definitely find myself on his territory way more often.

I realise we've reached my house much faster than I would've liked. I actually like Nathaniel's company.

I offer him a smile, "Thanks for driving me back."

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