Forty-One: The Defiance

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Ignashevich brothers ^

So, I am not Russian 😟 so I do not know how to pronounce the places or the brothers surname. I got the places from my phones World Map and the surname from some guy in the Russian national soccer team. So, I dunno. Ahaha. We'll struggle together unless I have some beautiful Russian readers who can help. 🙈😂


The Defiance

We landed a few minutes ago and no one has moved an inch since we had. We landed in Chelyabinsk, a few hours away from, Yekaterinburg, where Mariska had said Ivan's estate was. Landing in Chelyabinsk was still a risk because it was still apart of Ivan's territory.

He rarely left Yekaterinburg because Russia had nine different timezones and he just couldn't deal with the difference all at once. Which I get, I mean, nine different timezones? That's crazy, I'd never leave my estate either.

Another reason why we landed here is that the people of Chelyabinsk are the most fed up with his tyranny. So, they're easier to keep quiet.

His goons were still everywhere though so we had to be careful. Even though we got help from the little defiance group, not everyone in Chelyabinsk were apart of the defiance.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Everyone seemed to have fallen into a 'what now' zone. As if they didn't believe we were here and everything was about to go down. As if they hadn't spent fourteen hours planning this great scheme.

The aeroplane door opened and in walked Mariska.

"This is all? Not even a few Warriors? You think," She counted us as if she were counting sheep, "Ten of you against Ivan's entire army will suffice? What game do you think this is? Do you really hate your mate so much that you couldn't even summon any of your wolves to fight for her?" She hissed at Alexander.

He scoffed, "Here in Chelyabinsk there are enough defiance wolves to defeat him, are there not?"

She cursed in Russian and rolled her eyes, "Of course there is."

He smiled, "So, all we have to do is bait them then we have Liah bless our little souls and then we're off to Yekaterinburg and we've got it all in the bag."

"Bait them?" She raised a curious brow.

"Tell them we're here to help them overthrow Ivan." He shrugs.

Mariska mulled it over. "Well then, what are we waiting for?"

We got out the plane and followed Mariska to her little shop. I kept thinking how I was going to do this, how this was it. No turning back now, we came here to fight and a fight is what we'll get.

I shouldn't have pushed for us to go right this instant, we could've trained, brought a few men. I don't know, anything but ten wolves. Well, nine wolves.

"Xander," I tried to grab Alexander's arm.

He slowed down and walked instep with me, "Xander?" He brushed his beard, "I like it. Maybe I should've gone by Xander Russo all my life, it sounds badass." He smiled.

"I agree. That day we met, had you said Xander Russo, I totally would've agreed when you called yourself intimidating. 'Badass' would've worked too." He chuckles as I shrug.

Thinking back to that day now, it feels like a lifetime ago but being able to be here and reminiscing on it with him, it feels good.

"I'm badass and you know it. If I weren't you wouldn't have gotten that scared when I told you who I was." He crosses his muscular arms and smirks.

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