Letter 3: What I Like About You...

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Dear Princess Sadie,

Ok...so...I understand this could be a weird introduction but, I was trying for something unique. I might not do this every letter though. At lunch today some of the girls at my table started discussing the meaning of our names. I would love to tell you the meaning of mine but, that's giving it away. I will tell you later though. I couldn't help but wonder about yours so I searched it up. You may already know this but I found that Sadie means "princess" hence the introduction. It could be pretty awkward for me to say that but, in my head, I thought it would put a smile on your face. Did I accomplish that?

On another note, it has been a little early since my last letter. I was supposed to give you the next one 7 days after the last one but I decided against it. Maybe a little more spontaneity could put some spice to this whole thing we are doing. Hope you like them because I will keep writing them as long as you do.

The other day my younger brother caught me in my room writing the second letter to you. See before then I hadn't told anyone I was doing this kind of thing so it caught me by surprise. You could probably surmise how that interaction went. My brother practically thought I was corny. Well as corny as I may be I think it is romantic and that is all that matters. Of course, your opinion matters more than mine since you are the one receiving them that is.

My brother did pose a good question about what I was doing. He asked whether or not I am to continue to express my feelings this way once I do meet you in person. See I haven't thought this out yet. In my plans, I was just going to write letters to you until I felt ready to meet you in person. I guess he does have the point that I would need to express it in person once I do meet you. That is something I would need to think about more before I do because I haven't felt this way about a person before so I am not sure what is right. Casual relationships aside, if I wanted a relationship with you Sadie I want it to be serious. I haven't done anything serious before. Sigh...I don't know.

In the frustration of it all my younger brother asked me what I even liked about you in the first place. I was kind of surprised this was coming from him because I never took him for a relationship kind of guy. Either way, it was a valid question and I may or may not have been expressing that properly in these past two letters. So I thought I could provide some examples in this one.

As your passionate anonymous person (aka secret admirer), I have seen you do many things that attract me and/or are cute to me. I mentioned previously that I like your thirst for knowledge. How confident you are when you answer questions in class. You can be bashful and it is super cute. At a dance we attended in our freshman year of high school I saw you dance. You looked kind of goofy but you also looked like you were having fun. I wanted to join you but I didn't want to be weird. The shy smile you make sometimes really is adorable. You are very considerate in group situations. You manage conflict in group projects pretty well and you're not confrontational. You are also trustworthy and reliable. Oftentimes I see you helping the teachers when no one else would. I wish I could join you but I almost always have practice. When I see you get excited about the small things like ice cream being placed on the school menu for a week my heart swells with joy. I love the relationship you have with your sister. I wait outside for my brother to come out of school and sometimes I see you and your sister waiting outside as well. It is so nice to see. Your awkwardness makes you attractive. I think you are beautiful, especially when you come to school sometimes with a bow in your hair. It is like you have a pep in your step when you do. I love it.

Among other things (because I can go on and on), seeing your genuine smile makes me feel like I am on cloud nine. A feeling like this seems unheard of to be felt by countless people before me. Oh, the feelings of a young teen boy's heart.

I hope that answers the question about what makes you so special to me. There were a few times you interacted with me. Nothing notable but left a deep impression on me. Like one time I was bummed about losing something precious to me. I guess you saw me visibly upset and came to ask how I was doing. Before I could answer your sister called for you but it made my day that you even asked. I don't tend to show my feelings a lot. This item was one from my grandpa who I cherished. If you are wondering, I did find it. It was in my laundry. Moms always find things in the obvious spaces that you checked a million times already. It may seem nothing to any however it made me happy.

To explain further as to why you are getting this letter earlier outside of the spontaneity of it was because I found these letters to be some sort of outlet. After my brother asked me that question it got me thinking and I couldn't wait until the time frame so I decided to write it now. It helps me get my feelings out on paper. I am glad I chose this method. I would say this once and I would say it a million times over. Maybe I will tell you later as to why I chose this specific way.

As for my unsorted feelings, I might ask my parents about it. It is kind of embarrassing going to my parents about this sort of thing. Sometimes I wonder if they know how to deal with it. I am the oldest out of 4 kids so things like this might be a new parental experience for them. Trust me I have reason to think like this. It couldn't hurt. I also could ask my grandparents. They have been in love since they were teens as well. I might go with the latter option. I will tell you how it goes once I have spoken to them but that might not be for a while.

Even still, this letter may be early but you might get another one just as early as this one. I am not sure yet. I will ride this wave for a while. In the future, I can tell you more about my family. If you want to hear it that is.


Your Princely Passionate Anonymous Person

P.S. I wanted to sign off like that so it can keep on theme from the introduction. Hope you find it cool. Also, I am very aware I say "hope" a lot. It may seem random to say that but, I kind of got self-conscious about it.

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