Letter 4: I Was Bored So...

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Dear Sadie,

I apologize if this letter is really short in advance, I am kind of all over the place right now. I only have like 10 minutes to write this one. I normally take 30 minutes to an hour. Sometimes 2 hours. So the idea for this one came about when I was waiting for our turn to go out at yesterday's rally. Yeah, I am part of this rally. However, considering how many people are participating in these things I am not worried about you finding me. I did wave in your direction though. You probably didn't see me waving because you were so focused on your book. I couldn't tell from where I was but, it seemed like it was a music book. I always knew you play the piano so it makes sense. More on how I know that in another letter.

Basically, when waiting for the rally to start some of my friends were talking about how long it was taking for it to start. We were kind of delayed today. It is for many reasons that I don't have the time to write at the moment. Either way, I have been doing these since middle school and I am kind of over them now. I do them because it is part of bringing up school morale for our team but it almost never really works. At least you guys get cool swag. Before you question too much I am on a sports team. I won't say which sports team so you can narrow me down.

Even still, I will tell you once I do meet you in person. Do you want to come to my game sometime? My heart would jump with glee if I saw you in the stands cheering for me. I bet your cheers are super cute. I would be sure to win so I don't look bad in front of you. That's your choice though. You might know which sport I am doing and even then maybe you shouldn't come now. I would probably lose my cool if I saw you there now and that would totally give me away. Can we keep the mystery a little bit longer, please?

Anyway, I was kind of bored and wanted to tell you so I decided to vent and write a letter to you. Be aware I might do this kind of thing when we are together so be ready for that. I shouldn't talk so surely though because you might not want anything to do with me in person. Darn...I haven't thought that far. I can be a very short-term thinker sometimes. You can probably tell by now.

On another note (since I have a bit more time), I noticed there wasn't a negative response to that last letter since I practically poured my heart out to you. Seriously, that took an emotional toll I didn't expect. I am just going to assume you didn't hate it for now. It would keep me sleeping at night. Do feel free to tell me otherwise. I promise I can take it. Like seriously. I can understand this was a strange thing to do from the start.

Ugh...I have to go now. I wish to write more things about the rally to you. I have to go to a pottery class with my mom and my little brothers. Gosh, I am not looking forward to it. If you do like pottery, however, I would totally go with you on a date sometime. Anytime.

I will try to make the next one longer.


Your very sorry Passionate Anonymous Person

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