Chapter 2: the plane

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In the morning Dave woke up and still couldn't think of a plan, he saw that the door was open and went out to find Jack and Chris. He also saw a bunch of wood, when Jack saw Dave he said they had gathered wood and vines and weaved them together to make a raft. Dave asked if they could both be on it without it sinking, and Chris said it was big enough for them all to fit. They all got on and started paddling towards the plane. It was hard to find because it was completely under water but Jack saw the outline of the plane, Jack said two should dive in and the other stay on the raft, Chris asked why they would need to stay on the raft. Dave responded
"Otherwise it will float away"
Chris said he wanted to swim but as he was the youngest the others said it would be safest if he stayed on the raft. Chris and Dave took there shirts off, took a deep breath and dived in. The water was freezing but they kept swimming down, the plane was a lot further down than they thought and Jack started to run out of air. Dave reached the plane first and found a door and swam into it followed by Jack, there was a small pocket of air at the end of the plane Dave got there and Jack managed to get there as well, they then thought they should split up and look for supplies but come up every twenty seconds. Jack agreed and went down to find a survival kit while Dave looked through there luggage and found Chris's and Jacks but not his he then went to the surface and found Jack who said he had looked around where the pilot was and found a first aid kit but nothing else, they pushed the bags out the door and they floated to the surface of the water. They searched the plane for another three hours and found more stuff, they pushed it all out the door. After that Dave swam out and Jack followed but saw a bag he grabbed it and saw more bags at the bottom of the lake, he thought maybe some of the bags didn't float to the top he swam down and grabbed five out of six and swam to the surface. Dave started to worry when he didn't see Jack, but he saw Jack coming up. When Jack finally reached the surface he was coughing and spluttering, Dave took all the bags from him and put them on the raft, Chris then used the raft and swam to shore, Dave and Jack took a long time to reach the shore but when they got there they said they were really tired and they would check them tomorrow. Jack and Dave spent the rest of the day laying around but Chris looked through some of the bags, most had clothes but one bag he opened had matches, food and some box. He put one of the empty bags in the shelter which he then moved the raspberries into, he also started a small fire and got one of the fishes, they were mostly gone but bones and one head, He sighed and got the spear and spent one hour fishing. He caught two fish and roasted them over the fire, when he thought they were done he looked in the shelter but Jack and Dave were asleep so he ate both thinking they were yum. Chris then moved the other bags inside and climbed in, he didn't realise how dark it was outside and used a touch which was on the floor to stack the bags over the door entrance he then cuddled up to sleep. When he awoke Jack was still sleeping but Dave was sitting up and moving the bags, Chris shined his touch at the bags Dave turned in surprise.
"Where did you get that" he asked
"Found it in one of the bags"
"Did you find anything else"
Chris nodded and moved outside, Dave pushed the bags outside and saw that raspberries were in one of them. He then followed Chris outside and started unpacking everything, Jack came out and also started to help. After three hours they had found lots of clothes, matches, two knives, lots of food and first aid stuff. Chris thought they would say his to young for a knife, but Dave said that wasn't the reason and gave him the first aid kit. They put the clothes, food and first aid stuff in the shelter. Jack suddenly took his clothes off and threw them in a pile.
"Errrrrrm what are you doing" Chris asked
"Having a bath" Jack replied
Chris then followed him in and they started splashing around. Suddenly Dave bellyflopped in the water, they all laughed and splashed around for hours. After Chris got out he laid on the sand. Jack and Dave followed and laid next to him, they were tired but happy. Once they were dry they then put on new clothes and decided to make things that would help them survive. Jack fixed the shelter up, Chris made a small pond next to the lake and put the dead fishes head in it and waited and Dave tried to hunt. Dave was unsuccessful but when he got back Chris and a fish supper ready for him, the boys decided to sleep under the stars tonight. They huddled up in warm blankets which had dried throughout the day and looked at the stars, while they were looking up Dave thought he saw a plane. It then occurred to him that they should have a fire in case I plane flew over head. At midnight it started to rain so they all went inside and fell asleep pretty quick, but Jack couldn't sleep he missed his mum and dad very much and wished he could see them, maybe soon he thought.

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