Chapter 3: Exploring

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Chris awoke the next morning and went for a walk around the lake. Dave then woke up and thought he would surprise the others but getting meat for breakfast, so he went off with the spear. Jack awoke to a scream and quickly got out the shelter, he saw Chris running up to him.
"What's wrong?" He asked
"I heard a scream"
"Me to"
Then came a second scream but this time it died half way through, Jack spirited off and Chris grabbed the first aid kit. Chris was following Jack but he suddenly stopped and ducked behind a fallen tree, Chris stopped and approached Jack. When he reached Jack he saw a bear and Dave on the floor, Dave wasn't moving and the bear was sniffing him. After two minutes the bear moved away and Jack ran to get Dave, he grabbed dave's left arm while Chris got his right arm. They got him back to the shelter, and Chris took his clothes off. They saw that the bear had cut into him and bitten his arm badly he was bleeding everywhere, they pulled him into the water and washed him down, he was calling out in pain but Chris knew it had to be done otherwise he might not survive. After Chris washed him, he bandaged him and laid him in the shelter to rest.
"I.. I.. I'm c.. c.. cold" Dave muttered
Chris lit a fire in the shelter and Dave laid down. Jack and Chris started to worry that Dave might not make it, but Chris assured him that he will be fine, but that mark will stay with him his whole life. Jack caught six fish and fed two to Dave and he and Jack had two for themselves, Jack said he wanted to go back in then plane Chris said he wanted to as well. They got on the raft and set out for the plane, when they got there they dived in and swam to the plane and in the door and up to the air bubble, Jack said he was going to find anything and Chris pulled out the water proof torch he had brought with him. Chris searched under all the seats and Jack looked around where the pilot was. Chris found one bag but Jack had none, Chris said he was going to swim to the surface. Once Chris had gone Jack had another look but had no luck so he went out the door and grabbed the last bag on the river floor and swam up. Chris was on the edge of the raft when Jack got up and started kicking towards shore. When they got to the shore Chris looked in the bag he had and found a gun with a big barrel and put it to the side, Jack found clothes and nothing else, but guessing it was the pilots because it was to big for any of them. Jack told Chris he had a flair gun, but nothing else of value. Jack cooked lunch, while Chris made a raspberry drink in one of the source pans. He gave some to Dave but he didn't want any, Jack and Chris talked happily about life before the crash. After three hours Dave called.
"Can we have one of the roast dinners we found for dinner tonight?"
Jack and Chris smiled and nodded, Dave rolled over went to sleep. Jack thought a storm was coming, as he could see storm clouds. He told Chris to get inside quickly as wind started to blow really hard. They both put everything in the shelter and closed the door, Chris put a couple of sticks on the fire and laid down to sleep. That night Dave was the only one who couldn't sleep, he kept thinking he would die over and over again.
"I don't want to die, please if there's a God up there please don't let me die I want to see my parents again" he said to himself.
"You won't I promise, we will look after you" Jack said
"Oh sorry I thought I was the only one awake"
"Don't worry I can't sleep either"
After that they both laid there thinking. When morning came Jack opened the door and saw that the plane was above the surface of the water.
"Must've been a small tornado last night" he though.
Chris pointed out a smoke cloud not to far away, they raced off to see where it was coming from. When they got to the source of the smoke cloud they saw someone sitting by a very small lake, Jack told Chris to stay there and he would go look. Chris saw Jack approach the new person and he jumped up when Jack touched him.
"WHO ARE YOU" he called
"I'm Jack" said Jack "and this is Chris"
Chris walked out from the tree line.
"Who are you"
"Im John"
"How long have you been here" Chris asked
"I've been lost for three weeks but I move around trying to find people" he said.
Jack asked if he wanted to come back to there shelter and John followed them. When he got there he was impressed by what they had done, John then saw Dave and looked at him. Dave asked how old John was.
"24" John said
John went out the shelter and asked what happen to him, Jack explained how he had been attacked by a bear while Chris fished. That night they had a roast chicken with gravy and peas and sweet corn. They all tucked in. Once John finished he asked what there plan was, and Chris explained how they were going to wait for a plane to fly over so they could signal it with the flair gun. John then asked if he could stay with them Jack said it was fine and they had enough for him to have some clothes. That night they were all asking John how he got there and how he had survived. John said he had been in a plane crash and was the only survivor.

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