Chapter 4: Dave

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John explained how he was going to spend a week in France but almost as soon as the plane took off it then crashed. John then asked for the boys story, so they explained it. After two hours the boys fell asleep. Dave woke the first and tried to move, it hurt him a lot but he finally managed. He couldn't breath so he laid back down and cried, Jack moved next to him. Dave turned away and Dave expected him to get up and leave him, but Jack started to sing. Dave turned to face him eyes red and joined in singing. They woke Chris and John up but they joined in as well. When they ran out of songs to sing Jack got Dave and helped him out the shelter, Jack and Chris pulled dave's shirt off but Dave tried to take his pants off, John saw how much it was hurting and stepped in to help. Dave went to waist deep water and walked around, Dave thought he would be the only one in the water but then John jumped next to him and splashed him, Dave splashed John and soon Chris and Jack joined in. They spent a couple of hours in the lake and enjoyed themselves. Once they got out Chris changed Dave's bandages and then went back in the water to wash off, they then all laid with there eyes closed sun bathing. Jack suddenly awoke and felling cold he stood and up looking around, he saw a massive tornado coming straight for them. He yelled at the others and they ran in but Jack saw Dave struggling he ran out and helped him in and closed the door. The storm went on for a long time. The boys started to sing again but the thunder over powered it so they soon stopped, they tried to sleep but on one could. After what seemed like a whole day, it went quite outside and they realised the sun was just coming up. The storm had lasted the entire night but now that it was over they all came out and Dave tried spear fishing while Jack got some raspberries, John started a fire and sat down next to Chris. Over the next few days Dave started to get better and better. Then two weeks after the storm, Chris took his bandages off and thought Dave didn't need any more. Dave started to feel better and soon he could do everything by himself again. One day Jack decided to clean the shelter, he took everything out and John looked through it all and found a box. He recognised it as the box where if the plane crashes, you hit the switch and it sends a beacon. John flipped the switch.
"It's broken" Jack said as he came back from fishing
"How do you know?" John replied
"We switch it almost everyday and no one has come to get us"
John pulled it apart and looked in, he had never seen what the inside looks like and didn't know what to do. He tried to fix it and tried ever day but never seemed to fix it. One day John heard an engine and ran inside to get the flair gun, and aimed up Jack saw and ran to stop him but John pulled the trigger, Jack pushed him over.
"Signalling a plane" John responded
"They never come this way, in the past month we've had two fly over head but none found us"
"We should move and go find help, not wait for it to get here"
"I know" Jack said "I want to as well."
That night they talked about what they should do, they all thought they should move but take all there supplies. The next day Jack and Chris took everything outside, John choose the biggest bag and put all their important things in it, Dave found a water proof bag and filled it with water, Jack took the water bag and Chris had a backpack with the first aid stuff in it. They then got a last bag and took some clothes, and at last they set off. They headed north with John leading the way followed by Dave then Chris then Jack. They walked all day and by night hadn't found anything, Jack set up a fire and they laid down to rest, that night they went to sleep quickly as they were all very tired. Jack awoke first and looked around, he pulled out some chicken form last nights dinner and ate it. Dave suddenly sat up and woke John and Chris up, they got ready had a quick breakfast and set off again. Along the way they saw wild animals, and John thought about trying to catch one. He took a spear and aimed it at a deer, Chris stopped him saying that they would not be able to carry it. John stopped, and off they went again. John saw a house and ran off towards it, everyone else walked to eat and they knocked on the door. After no answer he tried the door knob and found it unlocked it, John went in first and Chris found a rifle on the wall and another under the bed, he then went and looked outside. It was the only house for miles around. It went back inside and grabbed both, he gave one to John and held on to the other. Jack found a pistol with a lot of ammunition for both guns, he gave rifle ammo to Chris who put it in his bag. They stayed the night in the house and all slept on the bed. John sat up and then woke everyone up he said they needed to move asap. They started walking. Chris lead the way and Jack kept looking around, suddenly Chris ran off and Jack followed close behind. John ran after but Dave couldn't run so he walked to where they were all standing, Dave looked over their heads to see...

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