Chapter 1: America here I come

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Mum drove me to the airport and dropped me off.
"Be good and enjoy your stay with your father, and I will see you after Christmas" she said just as I was getting into the plane. There was only me and two other boys. It was a small plane and I went to my seat and got ready for take off. As the plane taxied to the runway one of the boys asked me to come over to them, I said I would after we had taken off. The plane lurched forward and started gaining speed and then they were flying. When the plane had stopped rising and levelled out he stood up and went to join the other two boys. They said there names were Dave and Chris and Dave was fifteen and Chris seventeen, Jack introduced himself and that he was sixteen after that he started talking to the boys. After four hours of flying and Chris had fallen asleep Jack moved to look out the window and noticed that one of the planes engines was on fire. He quickly ran to tell the pilot, but he seemed asleep. Jack yelled at him to get up but he didn't move, Dave came to see what was wrong and Jack told him about the planes engine. Jack ran to have a look and then woke Chris, they then ran to the front of the plane and Chris touched the pilots neck and then his wrist, he said he couldn't find a pulse. Jack asked how would he know and Chris told him he wanted to become a doctor. Jack then saw that the planes fuel was low and said they were going to crash. The boys then all talked about where would be the safest place to sit, but they couldn't decide. They eventually decided to sit in the middle, but by that time the plane struck a tree and went sliding down smashing up against tress, rocks and finally gliding into a lake began to sink, the boys undid their seat belts and swam to the surface. Dave then swam to the shore and the others followed, once there Dave said they needed to set up a shelter but Jack fell asleep, then Dave looked to Chris who laid down and was snoring. Dave thought he should get some rest to so they could get stuff ready tomorrow. The next morning Jack awoke first and went to look in the water for the plane, he couldn't see it but saw there were lots of little fishes. Then suddenly Chris woke up and asked what happened Jack told him about how the plane had crashed and now they were stuck there. Dave suddenly came up and said
"We all have to work together to survive"
He then told Jack to try and make a shelter while he and Chris walked around the lake. Jack was fine
Finding it hard to get a shelter started he thought instead of making one from the start he would look for a cave, so he walked around the lake and found a cave which he looked down and found nothing in it. He then went to Dave and said he had made a shelter and pointed it out, Dave congratulated him and Jack leading the way lead them to the cave. Jack said he saw a bush with berries on it, Dave said he would go take a look at them. Jack and Chris started to gather bits of wood and dead trees to keep out any animals from getting in. Dave came back with his shirt full of berries and told them they were raspberries, they all had some to eat. Jack suddenly thought that all planes had a survival pack in them incased they crashed, Dave said they should try and get into the plane to see if there was one on there. Jack said they should do it tomorrow and get the shelter ready for tonight, so Dave starting bringing back hand falls of raspberries and placing them in the shelter while Jack and Chris got the shelter ready. While Dave was getting more raspberries he found a stick that looked pretty sharp and grabbed it, he put the stick on the floor and went to get more raspberries. Jack found the stick and thought about trying to spearfish he waded out into the water, Chris was watching Jack stab the sand with the stick.
"Aim the stick higher then the actual fish" Chris said
Jack thought that was stupid but tried it anyway. After an hour of trying and Dave saying he was waiting his time he got one though the neck. When Jack pulled it out he yelled with joy, now they didn't just have to eat raspberries then could eat fish. Dave came back a saw Jack had a fish and said to cook it before eating it. Chris started working on the shelter while Dave tried to start a fire, and Jack catch more fish. By the time it was dark they had four fish and the shelter was done but no fire. Dave said they couldn't leave the fish out other wise they would be bad to eat by morning, so Chris dug a hole and filled it with water and laid the fish in. They then all went into the shelter closed the door and tried to sleep. No one could sleep so they stayed awake talking about how much they miss there old life and wish they could go back, Dave said they needed to make a plan to get to the plane because if there was a survival kit then they might have a chance to be saved, Jack said there might be matches in there and they could start a fire. Chris asked if there would be food as he didn't like the idea of having to eat raw fish. They all drifted off to sleep, except Dave he was still trying to make a plan for how to get to the plane.

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