Cut Him Out of Your Life

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Method Two of Four:
Cut Him Out of Your Life


Get rid of the things that remind you of him. First, put all of your ex-boyfriend's things in a box or suitcase and get them back to him immediately. Ideally, a friend can deliver the items to him so that you don't have to see him. This will keep you from touching his belongings, or trying to smell his scent. Then, get rid of anything that reminds you of the memories you share -- from photographs, CDs he burned for you, gifts he gave you, or mementos from any trips you took together.It may hurt knowing that those were the only things you had left of him, but you should also know that it's the right thing to do. You will feel a sense of accomplishment after you do this and it will be you first step towards healing.If you really would like to treasure the memories of your relationship and to return to them one day, put them in a box and place it out of your sight -- you can put it in storage or leave it at a friend's house. Just avoid the temptation to open it at all costs.


Stop communicating with him. Though you may think that talking to your ex will make you feel better because you miss him so much, it will only make you feel a million times worse. Every time you hear his voice, you'll feel sadness, regret, bitterness, and a slew of other negative emotions that will send you spiraling downward. Unless you have to talk to him for logistical reasons, like figuring out what to do with your shared car or apartment, you should stop talking to him and seeing him completely.[1]Don't think that the mature thing to do is to meet up with your ex for coffee every week or two. This will only cause you more pain. If he really insists that you should try to "be friends," tell him that this is not an option for you. You can do the "just friends" thing when and if you're ready, but this can take months, or even years.Stop texting or calling your ex. Even if you thought of something that really reminded you of him, hold off.Though you may want to make him think you could care less if he's around, avoid any social gatherings or places where he might be for a while.It may be less convenient to avoid him at all costs than to run into him once in a while, but it will be much better for you.


Spend time away from social media.If your ex is active on social media, then you should spend some time away from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other websites that will let you see what he's thinking, doing, or saying. Reading his posts or seeing photos of him will drive you crazy, and will make you worry about how quickly he's moved on, or to suspect that anything he posts just means that he's already found someone else.If you really love social media, then block him if you have to. This may not feel like a mature move, but it's better than spending hours staring longingly at his Facebook page.


Avoid asking about him. Even if you and your ex-boyfriend have a million mutual friends, you should avoid asking about how he's doing -- or, worse, asking if he's seeing anyone else -- this will only make you want to be near him even more. And if you're always asking about him, it's likely that he's going to find out.If you do have a lot of mutual friends, you can even tell him that you'd prefer it if they didn't mention him too much around you. Though this may sound like an extreme move, they'll understand and will make you feel better.


Avoid doing the things that remind you of him -- for a while. If you really want to forget your ex-boyfriend more quickly and cut him out of your life, then you have to stop doing the things you loved to do together, even if you love doing them on your own. If you loved going hiking with your boyfriend, maybe lay off on the hiking for a while; if you loved listening The Rolling Stones with him, take it easy on the classic rock for a while.This includes going to your favorite restaurants or favorite hangouts. Do whatever you can to avoid thinking about him, or wishing he was there with you.You'll eventually be able to go back to doing everything you want to do, but for now, it's better to find something new to occupy your time.If you and your boyfriend were addicted to a few TV shows together, take a break from them and read a book instead.Of course, you shouldn't stop doing absolutely everything you loved to do just because it'll help you forget about your boyfriend. Just work on finding a new routine that doesn't make you think about him all the time.


Switch up your environment. If you really want to cut your ex-boyfriend out of your life, then you should try to switch up your environment so you no longer feel like he's lingering in the air. Rearrange the furniture in your room or apartment and get some plants to spruce up the place. Pick a new painting to hang up on the wall. That way, it'll be harder for you to remember what it was like when you hung out with your boyfriend there.If you really need to switch up your environment, go on a short trip or even a mini-vacation. Going to a completely new place that has nothing to do with your boyfriend will help you cut him out of your life

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