Enjoy Life Again

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Method Three of Four:
Enjoy Life Again


Seek support from your family. Unlike your ex-boyfriend, your family will always love you and will be there for you. Now that you're single, you can also spend more time focusing on maintaining a strong relationship with your family. Spend more time at family meals, helping your family around the house, and having meaningful conversations with your parents or siblings. This will make you feel much better about your break-up and will give you something to look forward to.If you live far away from your family, you can still make more of an effort to be in touch with them. Spend more time making phone calls, Skyping, or sending cards to your relatives for special occasions.


Enjoy your time with your girlfriends.This will allow you to feel better and quicken the healing process. No matter how gloomy you feel after your relationship ends, sometimes a little bit of fun with your female friends is the perfect remedy for a fractured heart. So go shopping, go to the movies, and enjoy a great conversation over a bottle of white wine. Taking your mind off of things is guaranteed to lift your spirits, even if it's only for an hour or two.Tell yourself that now that you don't have to worry about your boyfriend all the time, you have more time to focus on your female friendships.Open up. Talk to your girlfriends about how you're feeling and let them make you feel better.Just remember to have fun -- if you're spending all of your time with your girlfriends crying about how much you miss your ex-boyfriend, both you and they will grow weary.You can also use this healing time as an opportunity to develop closer bonds with acquaintances. If you've always really hit it off with that girl in your English class, then you should invite her for tea or a cup of coffee.

Keep a busy schedule. Though the last thing you may want to do when you're getting over a break-up is to be busy, it's the easiest way to force yourself to get over your ex-boyfriend. If you're sitting at home in the dark all day with nothing to do, of course you'll spend hours wondering what your ex-boyfriend is up to. But if have a packed routine filled with fun hangouts, a solid workout routine, as well as time to do your work or schoolwork and to pursue your interests, you won't have time to mourn your failed relationship.[2]Try to fill your planner so that you have at least one thing to look forward to every day. This will make you feel much less hopeless.Keeping a busy schedule does not mean being occupied or hanging out with others constantly until you have no time to catch a breath. You should always leave some time for being alone and reflecting -- just not too much.


Get some exercise. Though it may sound silly to work out in order to get over a guy, you'll feel much better if you develop a healthy exercise routine. Exercising for just 30 minutes a day can have wonderful benefits for your mind and body. If you're really committed to getting over your ex, then set up a regular workout routine, doing whatever form of exercise you enjoy, and stick to it.Plug this workout time into your schedule. This will help you maintain a busy schedule.Don't do something you hate. Find an activity you love, whether it's running, doing power yoga, working out at the gym, or swimming, and stick to it.


Get out of the house as much as you can. You should avoid staying holed up at home as often as you can, even if you're going outside only to be by yourself. Instead of running on your treadmill, take a nice run in the sun. Instead of doing your homework or reading at home, go to a coffee shop so you feel less alone. Take anything that you can do at home to a sunny park, where you can be "alone" while being surrounded by people.Being in the sun and getting fresh air is guaranteed to make you feel more mentally strong.If you're talking on the phone with a friend, don't do it in a dark room. Instead, take your phone outside and go for a walk. You'll be getting sun and exercise while gabbing.


Take pleasure in your hobbies and interests. Don't let your break-up keep you from doing the things you love. Just because you're sad about the end of your relationship doesn't mean you should cease all activity that gave you pleasure and made your life meaningful. If you loved your Tuesday night Zumba class, don't skip it. If you loved watercolor painting on Sundays, then keep up your habit. If you stop doing the things you love, you'll only feel more upset.You may think that it's too hard, or even impossible, to continue to do the things that used to make you happy. Just fake it until you make it -- you'll see that you'll get pleasure out of those favorite activities again.If you don't do the things you love, you'll forget who you are. Remind yourself that you were a whole person before you met your ex-boyfriend, and now it's time to pick up the pieces and become whole again.

Avoid drinking too much. Though you can grab a glass of wine with your girlfriends or go to a friend's birthday party to let loose, this is not the time to drink heavily. If you drink alcohol, you'll be much more likely to get very emotional upset, cry, and ruin your night -- and the night of anyone around you. Though this may seem harsh, you should avoid drinking too much until you feel stable enough to be able to drink without a problem.[3]Many people turn to alcohol during hard situations, but this rarely helps anyone cope. If you're used to drink a lot with your friends, find new sober-friendly activities that you and your friends can do together.

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