Chapter 8

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So much for everything being okay. I pulled my hand away from Amanda and got up to talk to Sophia. As I stood in front of her, Sophia looked angrier then she did when she first walked in. Before I could even speak Sophia raised her hand and slapped me across the face.

I heard Amanda gasp behind me as I felt the burn of her slap settle on my cheek. I'll let her have that one. She has been calling me nonstop since last night. As I looked at Sophia's face now I can tell that she regrets hitting me.

After a minute I grabbed Sophia's wrist and pulled her out of the room. Once I closed the door behind me Sophia's tear started to flow.

"I thought you were dead when you wouldn't answer your phone. I tried Luke and he said you were here and I thought it was you." Sophia said. I just sighed and pulled her into me.

Sophia gripped onto me so tightly I thought she was going to leave claw marks on my back.

"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere." I said in her ear trying to calm her down. It took her a few minutes before her tears slowed and her grip loosened. I can feel for her though. If I were in her shoes I would be the same way.

Sophia looked at me then and I saw something in her eyes. Something different then anger or fear that I saw before. What I'm seeing now I believe is love and not a love between friends. I took a step back from Sophia and looked at her.

"I'm safe Sophia. Tess wants to hurt me emotionally not physically. She went after Amanda because she knew it would hurt more then her actually hurting me." I said.

"Do you think she is going to come after me next?" She asked.

"I don't know." I said.

We didn't say anything else to each other for a few minutes. Sophia kissed the cheek she slapped and pulled away.

"I'm sorry I hit you and I'm glad you're safe." Sophia said.

"Thank you for apologizing." I said. Sophia just nodded and left the hospital.

I watched her walk away before I walked back into Amanda's room. When I got in there I found her sitting up waiting for me.

"Everything okay?" Amanda asked.

"Yea, we're good." I answered and sat back down in the chair.

This is how I spend the rest of the day. I refused to leave Amanda's side. The only time I did was to get something to eat and go to the bathroom. On Monday Amanda got the okay to go home. Needless to say she was overjoyed and almost rip everything off her. Her doctor did that while I called Dante about Amanda's release. He informed me that he will send some guys to get us.

As per doctor's orders, Amanda has to be on bed rest for the rest of the week. Her stitches still need to heal and she isn't allowed to go to school anyway. After all of his orders he showed both Amanda and myself how to clean and change the bandage on her stomach. He gave Amanda her medications and left us again.

Luke gave me a backpack with some clothes for her to change into. Once he closed the door Amanda stood from bed and shed her hospital gown.

"You're going to have to help me Scar." Her voice broke my through my staring.

"Sure, what do you need help with?" I asked still staring at her naked back.

"You need to clasp my bra." Amanda said as she pulled her straps up her arms.

The blood in my body started to rush through my veins. Instantly I felt my cheeks start to get red.

"I should be the one taking this off you, not helping you put it on." I said as I closed the clasp.

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