Those days

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Days past and my relationship with Josh grew fonder. We both treat each other special. But the main problem is Joshua is a very lazy guy when it comes to going to school everyday.

Then one day, i saw him in the aisle stand near a wall. I come to him to have some talk.

Me " hi, can i talk to you for a minute?"

Josh" sure."

Me "you know what every teacher here says the same about you."

Josh "what about me then"

Me "your a bright kid, yet your lazy. too lazy that you only go to school 3-4 times a week and its only half day. You haven't completed a day yet."

Josh "it's okey, its not a big deal."

Me "come on josh, i knew it, everybody knew it, your bright that you only have 1 notebook, 1 baby powder,1pen and one alcohol in you bag, and your note book is almost empty because you not writing anything but when the teacher ask you something, you can answer it correctly."

Josh "then, what are pertaining to with this convo then, huh,?"

Me " can you please attend a whole day class for once, please just once, for me?

Josh "okey"

Me "thanks,then i left him there standing"

(the next day, I am an hour early before our class start and what i saw really make me smile. )

Josh " I am early today, I'll attend the class and will participate later even in our afternoon class because i promised you that."

Me "thanks "

(and the day ends that our teachers are confused what really happened to josh and why is he acting so weird today. And he's really full of energy that he even insisted to walk me home)

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