Chapter 6: Shopping With April

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Ashlyn's P.O.V

The morning sun beams into my room as I started to wake up from my deep sleep. Slowly  rising up from my mattress, I see the clock on the wall that read 7 AM. I get out of bed and stretch, feeling the warm sun that lit up my room. Quickly folding up my blanket and straightening out my sheets, I leave my room and head towards the bathroom. As I walked into the bathroom, I see a figure standing in the far corner. Having the bad vision that I had, I crept closer, squinting my eyes to try and make out what the figure was. When I reach the location of the figure, I realized that it was Raph brushing his teeth.

"Good morning Raph!" I greeted happily.

"Oh, hey Ash" Raph replied still brushing his teeth.

"Do you guys happen to have an extra toothbrush?" I ask politely.

"Yeah, it's in that cabinet over there" Raph motions towards some cabinets on the other side of the wall.

"Thanks" I thanked as I scurried over to the cabinets and opening it, taking out the unused toothbrush.

I make my way over to the sink and squirted toothpaste on the toothbrush. I started brushing my teeth. Once I was finished, I rinse out my mouth, washed my face and went back to my room. I picked out a white short sleeve collared shirt, a beige vest, a black ruffle skirt, some white socks, and black flats. I quickly threw my clothes on and headed out the door. I walked into the living room to see Mikey on the couch playing video games, Donnie working in his lab, and Leo watching Donnie.

"Hey guys?" I yelled while jumping down from upstairs since they didn't really have stairs.

"Good morning, Ash. Do you need something?" Leo asked looking away from Donnie's contraption.

"Do you know where April lives? I want to go the and ask her if she wanted to go furniture shopping with me" I replied.

"It isn't far, I'll show you the way invade the Foot tries to ambush you" Leo answered.

I nodded as Leo came up to me and guided me to the stone elevator door. As we reach the surface, I see cars whizzing up and down the street like speedy bugs.

"We'll have to go by rooftop since I cant let anyone see me" Leo said as he walked out of the elevator.

I quickly nodded as we walked to the street, well, I did anyway. Leo disappeared off to somewhere. I looked around, trying to find Leo, until my eyes landed on the roof of the building right across the street. He signaled me to cross the street. I walked over to the pedestrian part of the street. I waited patiently for the light to turn red so I could cross. When it did, I quickly scurried to the other side of the street. I walked over to the fire escape that was connected to the apartment. With a 'poof', I turned into a bird and flew up to the roof with ease.

"How did you get to the roof so fast without being seen and so quickly too?" I inquired with a confused smile on my face as I turned back to human.

"I have my ways," he answered chuckling "let's continue to April's house."

After a few minutes of jumping across rooftops, we reached a building with a sign that read "2nd Time Around". I figured that this was April's shop where she sells antiques.

"Let's go through the back door" Leo says.

I nodded and followed him to the back door. We entered the quiet shop.

"April? Are you there?" Leo semi yells.

"Leo? I'm upstairs!" April replies.

Leo and I made our way up the stairs. Surely enough, April was standing there in a blue bath robe and a pink towel wrapped around her hair.

"Hey guys! Do you two need something?" April asks.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask if you can come with me to go shop for furniture to furnish my room. Since the Foot are probably still looking for me, I just wants one company for safety. You do k is ninjutsu after all." I said.

"Sure, of course. I wanted to go by a new lamp anyways since the bonehead Casey broke it on his last visit" she says with a light chuckle.

"Thanks April, let's go," I said with a smile "and thank you Leo for guiding me here. I'll be home about 2 o'clock so tell Sensei for me because that is when I'll start training."

"Sure, bye Ashlyn" Leo waved as he hopped down the stairs.

"I'll go change, then we'll go" April says as she heads for her bedroom. After a few minutes, April comes out wear a blue t-shirt, some jeans and her hair in her usual bun.

"Let's go!" I squeaked while jumping up from the couch.

April laughs a little as we head downstairs. I look around to see old vases, clocks, typewriters, chandeliers, and other cool antiques. We head out the door to April's car. We started driving to a huge furniture store while having small conversations along the way. We reached our destination and climbed out the car. I entered the massive store with sparkling eyes.

3rd P.O.V
The store manager though Ashlyn was just another simple customer. Boy was he wrong! What they didn't realize was that Ashlyn was gonna buy their whole shop!

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~
Ashlyn's P.O.V
After about three hours, I walked out the store holding nothing. But, a giant truck pulled up besides her.

"Thanks April, I got it from here now" I said as I waved she goodbye. She waved back and drove away.

"Umm I'll tell you the address" I yelled up at the truck driver.

He nodded and motions me to get up on the truck. I told him the directions to Eastman End Lair and he started driving there. Today I bought a white mattress, swirly butterfly patterned purple bedsheets, some bookcases, a desk, a floral designer lamp, a few rugs, a nightstand, a closet, and a few pillows. Boy, was I gonna have some fun furnishing tomorrow!


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