Chapter 1:River of Blood and Tears

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Third Person P.O.V

Ashlyn sat on her couch watching t.v. She had long uneven black hair. She was wearing green t-shirt, jeans , and sneakers. She wore a green and blue bracelet that shines at night everyday. She also has purple eyes which is strange. Suddenly, she heard a bump outside. She went to check out what it was only to get punched. She started to run to her roof. Rain poured from the sky as Ashlyn ran across the rooftops of the buildings in Manhattan. Shadowy figures sprinted after her. They were Foot ninjas.

"You will not get away little girl!", a deep mechanical voice boomed.

"What do you want from me?!?", Ashlyn hollered.

Suddenly, some Foot ninjas popped up ahead and stopped Ashlyn dead in her tracks. She was surrounded by the Foot. 4 of them lunged for her. She punched 2 away and kicked the other 2. One jumped her and pinned her down. He sliced her shoulder with a knife. Blood splattered around her cut. She screamed in pain. Then he punched her to knock her out. She fell unconscious!

"Good, now bring her back and lock her in the genetics lab", the voice from before ordered.

"Yes master, right away", the Foot ninja replied. He shackled her arms and legs and pulled her away.


Ashlyn's P.O.V

I woke up in a dark cell room with a long metal table with a tray next to it and a headlamp. The tray had all sorts of dissection tools and doctor equipments including knives, scalpels, scissors, clamps, needles, blood bags, and more creepy tools. I shifted and found that I was chained to the back wall. Suddenly, the door creaked open and a girl with evenly cut black hair that was down to her shoulders. She was wearing a ninja outfit with a katana strapped on her back. A red band was tied on her forehead.

"Who are you and where am I?", I asked.

"I am Karai and you are in the genetics lab of the Foot Headquarters", she answered.

"Now, silence as I begin you blood extraction", Karai ordered.

"WHAT?! WHY ARE YOU TAKING MY BLOOD?!?!", I screamed at her.

"You have an ability to change into any type of animal you choose, a changeling, now hush!", she explained.

I was shocked and surprised about what she said, but it was true. I found out I had the power of a changing when I was 5 years old. Ever since then, I've never revealed it to anyone because I thought they would see me as danger and avoid me. Karai was preparing the knives and blood bags for the extraction.

"Now, it's time. Oh and one more thing.....", she trailed off.

"What?", I asked worriedly.

"The way we will take your blood will not be with a painless needle, we take it by, oh lets just say, in a painful way", she smirked.

She strapped me onto the metal table and picked up one of the knives. She sliced my arm. I screamed in pain as the red sticky liquid came gushing out like a river. The pain intensified. Karai use the blood bags to collect the blood. Tears streamed out of me. The pain slowly started to ease after a few minutes leaving me with blood stains and a strong stinging feeling where the cut was. Karai took the two filled blood bags and gave it to a Foot scientist to analyze it. She turned to me and gave me a wicked smile.

"Our master, Shredder, will use the analyzed blood to create a serum and give himself the power of a changeling. The no one will be able to stop him from conquering the whole world!" , she remarked.

"No! You can do this!", I yelled.

"You can't do anything to stop us, and now that you know this information, we can't allow it to leak out so I will end you miserable life!", she smirked.

I got loose from the straps and tried to lunge for her, but the pain from my arm stopped me. Karai took out a whip and lashed at me. The sting from the whip almost knocked me out as I winced.

"Now, to to cut the path of your life", she said.

She started coming at me with her katana. When she was right above me she raised her katana for a final blow. I shut my eyes as I prepared to die. Suddenly I hear a clash of katanas. I looked up to see a strange shadowy figure in front of me blocking Karai's blade from contacting with me.

"Not if we have anything to say about it!", a male voice hollered.

After that I passed out falling into a deep and dark slumber.



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