Ch. 21: Lost In the Catfight

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"What is going on in here?"

Reluctantly, I tore my eyes from Melody and turned to see Mrs. Swanson storming through the café doors. Her face had reddened until it nearly blended in with her hair and veins of fury popped up along her neck and forehead. For the first time since I'd met the vile woman, she looked horribly unkempt.

A mink shawl was slipping down her shoulders, and fiery curls were pouring out from the bun that must have been immaculate when it had been piled onto her head this morning. Her dress was loose on her thin frame and revealed her bony knees, which struggled to carry her as she stormed towards the stage. You could tell she was struggling to stay upright as she stomped around in her dangerously high heels.

Melody followed my gaze, catching sight of her mother just in time to see the woman grab her arm and squeeze. Melody let out a cry of pain and surprise. It made my heart leap into my throat.

"I will sue you!" Mrs. Swanson threatened, jabbing a perfectly manicured finger in my face. Her eyes scanned my band mates wildly. "I'll sue all of you!"

Steven frowned. "Can she do that?"

Duff snorted. "Like she can take the stick out of her ass."

Steven smiled, but his eye brows furrowed. "So that's a 'no', right?"

"Go ahead. Sue us," Axl shot back, ignoring the two blondes. "But Melody is an adult. If she wants to be with us, she can be."

"What're you gonna' sue us for anyway?" I demanded, finally finding the strength to stand up to my (hopefully) future mother-in-law. "We didn't do anything wrong."

She scowled at me, her emerald eyes flashing. She opened her mouth as if to speak, but quickly shut it again once she realized she had no good response. Letting out an exasperated huff, she clutched Melody by the arm and began dragging her towards the door.

"Come, Melody. We're going home, away from all of this filth."

As she pulled Melody further and further away, I was reminded of the last time her mother had stolen her away from me. Melody had the same pleading look on her face then as she had now. Only this time, I wouldn't let her get away. This time, I would save her.

"This is her home," I insisted, planting my foot firmly onto the stage with a thunderous boom. "Here, with me."

Melody's mom froze for a moment, turning to give me a less than convinced frown, before twirling around and continuing to head for the door.

My stomach was doing flips as I marched after the two redheads. I held out my hand to snatch Melody away from her mother, when Melody let out a blood curdling scream.

The hairs on the nape of my neck stood on end, and everyone in the room stopped and stared at her. Surprisingly, even her mother.

"Melody Winifred Swanson!" Her mother gasped, her face contorting with anger once more.

"Winifred...?" I heard Slash mutter. I ignored him, too worried about the fate of my (hopefully) fiancée to care about her less than attractive middle name. Instead, I watched Melody carefully, ready to jump in between the two ladies if things got too heated.

Melody paused for a moment, and I could see the look in her eyes. She was thinking, probably mustering up the courage to speak in front of all these people. After years of being silent, and being told that her voice sounded ridiculous, I knew that this moment right here was groundbreaking for her.

Maybe I never had to be good enough for Melody. Maybe all I ever had to do was be there for her, to help her through the things she couldn't do alone. She didn't need a Prince Charming or a knight in shining armor to do everything for her. She needed a partner, a shoulder to lean on, and a hand to hold. Maybe that was how I had failed the first time. I had chickened out, but worst of all, I hadn't even tried to help her be heard.

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