Ch. 12: Lost In Ice Cream

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After Melody had finally released Duff from her "evil" clutches, we had gone into the kitchen to get Duff a glass of water and some Tylenol for his head.

It was while I was busy nursing Duff back to health that Melody began raiding the fridge. As always, etiquette seemed to escape her, and she was doing whatever she so pleased. But I didn't mind it. On the contrary, I thought it was adorable. Melody only emerged from the fridge once she found a carton of cookie dough ice cream.

"Spoon?" She mouthed to me.

Smiling, I nodded to a nearby drawer.

I watched, an amused grin on my face, as she dug through the drawer. First, she produced a small spoon, just big enough to fit into her tiny, delicate hands. This seemed to suit her just fine. But then, I heard her gasp and cry out in delight. She immediately dropped the dainty spoon and fished through the drawer a bit longer to produce a giant spoon. It was damn near the size of a ladel!

Grinning widely and her eyes bulging with anticipation, I watched in delight as she began to eat by the spoonfuls. She seemed to be especially focused on picking out the chunks of cookie dough.

That's my girl, I thought contentedly. That's my girlfriend.

" this the reason you've been avoiding us lately?" Duff asked, interrupting my thoughts. He nodded to his right, where Melody was too busy stuffing her face with ice cream to notice us talking.

I shrugged. I was still nervous to admit anything to one of the guys. Even if Duff seemed to like her. "So? What if it is?"

He chuckled before turning to look at her. She paused a moment to smile and wave to him, her waving hand still wrapped around the giant spoon. Duff waved back lightly and looked back at me.

"She's cute," he commented softly, watching her scarf down more cookie dough. "Why haven't you brought her around the guys?"

I looked away from Duff, not really wanting to answer his question. How could I? The reasons were just too mortifying.

Izzy Stradlin, playboy extraordinaire and man whore of the century, too nervous to admit that he was scared he'd lose the girl of his dreams to his strawberry blond best friend. Not only that, but also admit to the fact that Melody had me so tangled up in her that I had finally managed to settle down.

I didn't want to party, and I didn't want sex, and I'd hardly done any drugs since we'd started hanging out except maybe smoke some weed on occasion. She had fixed me up and put me back on track. Now, the fast track to stardom that I'd been on with the band, it didn't seem as appealing to me anymore.

All I wanted was this redhead, eating cookie dough in my kitchen. Her mere presence was enough to feed my happiness.

"Do we smell bad? Are we not cool enough?" Duff teased.

I rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh. "You know that's not it, Duff."

"Then what's up, man? We've been worried about you," Duff admitted. I immediately believed him. His tone was full of concern and his eyes were studying me carefully.

I knew that, out of all of my bandmates, Duff was the most trustworthy. The most honest. If I could tell anybody all of my woes, it was Duff.

"Look, it's just that I am in a band, and she's deaf. She has no idea who we are. She's never even heard our music and...I kinda' like that."

Duff seemed satisfied with this answer. Although he hadn't quite settled down with any girls himself, he knew all too well how it felt to be taken advantage of simply for being famous. Or, by having girls clamoring for his attention because he was a pretty face and a famous name.

"There's also the fact that Axl..." I paused, not quite sure of how to say it without sounding like a baby. I didn't want to come off as whiny, but I was sick of Axl stealing all of the girls.

"I kinda' want a girlfriend to myself. For once."

Duff nodded slowly. This answer seemed to suffice, and he seemed to understand immediately. Even Duff knew all of the douchey things Axl had done to the band in the past, and all in the name of sex.

After all, we all had been there for that awkward conversation in which Axl broke the news to Steven as to who it was that was moaning in the background of Rocket Queen. I'd thought that that was pretty fucked up, even for Axl.

"Fair enough. But, you could at least let her meet the rest of us," Duff reasoned. "Slash and Steven won't try anything. And you sure as hell know that I won't."

I peeked over at Melody, she was now busy licking the back of the spoon clean and making faces at herself in the reflection.

Truth be told, she was a delight, and I would love to bring her around my friends. I knew Duff was right, and I could bring her around the rest of them, but I still felt hesitant about it. How would they even communicate with her? I didn't want to overwhelm her with a million moving mouths and no way of hearing them all.

"How would we all even speak to her?" I asked. "I don't want to confuse her or anything."

"Please, Izzy," Duff rolled his eyes. "The way she just attacked me, I'd say that the last thing you need to do is worry about taking care of her. She seems to be able to fend for herself. As for communicating with us..."

He paused and stared off thoughtfully.

"That's a different story. But, no worries. I'll figure it all out. You just get her to The Whiskey tonight. Got it?"

"Duff..." I began to protest.

"Shush," Duff ordered, silencing me. "I'm gonna' head out. I'll be expecting you. If you don't show up by ten, I'll come find you. Comprende?"

I glared at him, trying my hardest not to smile. "Si."

"Muchos gracias, fucker," Duff said with a laugh.

"Alright, I'm dippin' out. It was nice meeting you, my deaf little angel," Duff paused to shake Melody's hand. She looked up from her spoon, confused, but forced a smile when she saw Duff. I watched her gladly accept his handshake.

"I'll see you both later tonight. Adios!"

Melody waved excitedly as Duff left. Once he disappeared around the corner, Melody turned to me with a smile.

"What's up?" She mouthed, her head cocking slightly.

"We're going out tonight," I muttered, still staring after Duff. "You're going to meet my band."

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